Chapter 10

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I woke up with my head on his chest. I moved slightly feeling that his arm was drooped around me. I smiled and continued listening to his solid heart beat. Sunlight peeked through my window, lighting up part of the room. Looking at him, I saw his arms were still bare. My smile faded after I saw them again. As if on cue, Trevor wakes up. He wipes his face with his hands.

"Good morning," I whisper.

"Hey..." He smiles, and wraps me in a tight hug. I smile sadly. He kisses the top of my head. "Did you sleep okay?" He lets me go, but keeps his arm around me.

I nodded, "I slept great... did you?"

He nods, "I did too... I haven't in a while," He hugs me again.

I let out a giggle, "You're so huggy,"

He chuckles, "'Huggy' isn't a word,"

"But it describes you right now so perfectly!" I tug on the front of his shirt.

He opens his mouth to speak but a knock on the door stops him. I look over at the door as my mom opens it. She proudly holds up a key. "Found it," She winks at me.

"Good morning, mom," I say embarrassed.

Her eyes scanned over me and Trevor. "Good morning... You two sleep okay?"

We both said we did and she left, telling us that breakfast would be ready in about five minutes.

I try to get up but Trevor grabs my arm and pulls me back to him. I laugh. He cuts me off by pecking me on the lips. I push him away.

"No, it's time to get ready," I raise an eyebrow at him.

He moves the blanket off of him. "No," He drags it out, "it's time to cuddle!" He jumps up and picks me up by the waist. I laugh as he spins around.

"Trevor!" he puts me down. I was slightly dizzy. I hit his chest.

"Staph." I tell him. He chuckles and kisses the top of my head. "You should go eat with my mom, talk to her. That way you can convince her you are amazing. Then you can come over whenever," I smile at him.

He rolls his eyes, jokingly, "Who said I wanna come over again?"

"Hey," I scold him, still smiling, "Just do it." I push him out of my room. He picks up his jacket on the way out. I wait until I hear his foot steps down the hall to peel out of my clothes and jump into my shower connected to my room.

In a matter of five minutes, I'm in the kitchen with my mom and boyfriend, sitting down, awkwardly eating waffles. We didn't say much, but I felt like my mom like Trevor, which was only a good thing.

After breakfast Trevor and I said goodbye to my mom and left for his house. Once we got there, he unlocked the door and I was lead through a messy home. His house was small, and felt smaller due to the stacks and piles of garbage.

"I'm sorry it's such a mess." He calls behind his shoulder. He takes my hand, taking me further into his house. A perfect path was made that was one person's width. I understood why, though, his mother was an alcoholic. There she was. Her blonde hair, which I'm sure was dyed, was all messy. She was lying on a couch that was partially cleared off, with a beer in her hand. Of course she was unconscious.

He didn't even look at his mother; he took me straight to his room. The rest of the house was amazingly clean compared to the living room and kitchen. He released my hand. I stood in the middle of his bedroom, taking it in. He had a small wooden dresser. His closet had the lovely accordion doors. He opened a drawer from his dresser and pulled out a shirt. He grabbed the back of his shirt and threw it over his head. His room was the neatest in this whole house.

"Annnnnnd your shirt's off,"

He looked at me, "Yeah... Is that okay?"

"Well, I mean..." My eyes fell to his stomach, once I realized what I was doing I looked him in the eye again, "I was just surprised."

He nodded, smiling. "Okay,"

Is he fricking going to take his pants off too? He went over to his closet, taking out a pair of jeans. He unloosed his belt to take of his pants. I blushed way too much than I needed to. I suddenly found interest in the ceiling. He chuckles. "You can look now,"

I believe him. He was feeding his belt through the loops of his new pair of jeans. From within the closet he grabs a different jacket. He came back over to me after putting it on. "Are you ready?"

"Mhm," I smiled, trying to rid the leftover blush off my face.

"Alright," He takes my hand again leaning me back outside.

On the way we saw his mother again. She was conscious now.

"Trevor?" She sits up a little, "Is that... is that you?"

He lets go of my hand, "Hold on," he tells me. I watch him go over to his mom. He grabs some of the trash off the couch and puts it on the coffee table. "Lay down, mom." she laid down on her back. "No, on your side, you don't wanna choke yourself when you puke," He paused as she did so, "I can't always save you,"

"Trevor, get away from me." She slurred. "I don't need your fucking help,"

He sighed. "You obviously do--" His mother uses all her force to smack him in the face.

I gasp and cover my mouth as that would muffle the sound. I thought when he left the living room he was coming back to me, but he went into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle for her out of the fridge. "Here, mom, try and drink this." He opened up the bottle, putting in a water-dissolving tablet.

He hands it to her. She doesn't take it, "I'm not thirsty, you dick," She tries to smack him again.

"I'm leaving for school, mom, Ruby and I don't want to be late," He kisses the top of her head and she pushes him away. He comes back over to me. I had tears blurring my vision but we made it outside before they streamed down my cheeks. I pulled Trevor's hand back, to bring him closer. Once he saw my state of emotion, he didn't hesitate to hug me. I cried into his chest.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry,"

He rubbed my back. "So am I..."

I looked up for him, "What are you sorry about?" I ask between sobs.

"That you had to see that." Outside in the light I could really see the handprint on his face left by his own mother.

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