G O L D E N B O Y S ?

Start from the beginning

erika: well...umm
everyone was looking at me confused
erika: before i left for michigan believe or not i was best friends with tessa until i moved but we still talked together until we lost all contact a year and a half ago....but um freshman year of high school i made the cheer squad, varsity basketball team, and varsity soccer team. i guess you could say i was overall athletic with lots of things going on. it would be a typical cinderella story if i told you the football team captain and i were dating i mean everything was okay until our second year of dating which was really dating....i kept hearing rumors that he slept with other people while he was with be...those rumors where right so i decided to end things and from that day forward it was all hell he would abuse me...(started to tear up) if i didn't do what he wanted he would hit me or even worse he would cut me.

i turned around and showed them where he had cut me on the back of my neck hidden by my hair line.

erika: it was going on for 2 years, until i finally built up enough courage to go to the police and they arrested him at his house, i put a restraining order on him but i don't think that's going to stop him. *sighed* 
everyone was quite and shocked as to what i said until we saw tessa pull up, she started walking over and everyone stood up the boys stepping in front of us girls.
tessa: awww that's cute erika you need your little bodyguards now*laughs*
jake goes to take a step but i step in front of him and put my hand on his chest to stop him
tessa: i thought you said you don't have boys fight your battles for you?
erika: your right i don't because believe or not i'll actually get my hands dirty without breaking a nail!
i could feel someone behind me, i turned to see jake literally right behind me
tessa: so let me guess you two are a thing?!?*sounding jealous*
erika: no and why do yall keep asking that question?
tessa: because the way he almost came at me and you stopped him, or how about that time you confronted him and his gang, or the way he looks at you and you look at him?!?*pissed*
erika: if i didn't know better i would think somebody's jealous? and let me set the record straight just because i look at jake doesn't mean i like him or that we are dating...i mean look i'm looking at jake what you gonna do about it?!?(jake smirked as i looked at him)
tessa: see!!
erika: see what? the fact he's looking at me? or the fact that he's a boy and smirked?
tessa: all of it!!
erika: well we*pointin at jake and i* are not a thing
tessa: good cuz he's mine!!
jake was about to say something before be could
erika: if he was *ours* wouldn't he already be next to you right now? also if we was yours why did he slap his head when you called his name or even better why did he come over and specifically let me that you and him aren't a thing?!
tessa:.... well he will be
erika: *laughed*
tessa: what are you laughing about?
erika: the fact that you think you can walk up to us accusing us of dating than calling him "yours" and say he will be with you well news flash but boys they don't like being told what to do or what they can or can't do. i should know because i've one been here for one day and it's not that hard to miss!
tessa: ughhh
erika: so why are you here?
tessa: *smiled* i came to tell you that i told jason you were in ohio and he will be moving here
as she said that my old fears were coming back
erika: WHAT?!?
tessa: you heard me he's coming to get you
erika: what the fuck did you just do tessa!!
tessa: what do you mean?*worried*
erika: i mean for the last 2 years all he's done is nothing but abuse me tessa!you would know if you picked up your god dam phone to text me back but you couldn't because you were too busy babbling about JAKE AND HIS CREW! that you couldn't help me!!
tessa: erika—
erika: no tessa you brought the one person i'm actually petrified of back into my life once i finally got him out! you have no idea what it's like not being able to sleep at night because you were to afraid he was watching you.(tears rolling down my cheeks)
tessa: rik i'm sorry
erika: no you don't get to call me that! the second you called my friends sluts was the second you lost your privilege to call me that!...tessa i thought i could trust you but i guess not*sighed*
tessa: erika please
she took a step towards me
erika: don't touch me
i backed away from her
tessa: i didn't know about this, and i never meant to hurt you*started tearing up*
erika: that's actually funny, what if i did tell you i was dating jake than what would you do to me?
tessa started kicking the grass
erika: that's what i thought, because as long as your happy that's all that matters right? because and if jake and i were dating i could only imagine the things you would do to me or even him!
but just as long as your happy that's all that matters tessa right?
tessa: i'm sorry
erika: yeah i know you keep saying it but it's not going to change the fact that you brought a monster to this state and know he's out to get me
tessa: what do you mean
erika: well say you got arrested at your house in front of all your friends and neighbors because you abused someone who cared a lot about you but you never cared and your last words before getting in that cursor was "erika you can run but you can't hind because i'll always find you and you'll get what you deserve".
tessa: erika i didn't know i'll try and fix this
erika: no don't tessa you've done enough by bringing him to this state now i'm going to have to face him and put him back behind bars for the second time!
tessa ran back to her car tears rolling down her cheeks and i went to turn around and walk but instead i just fell, before i fell to the ground i felt someone catch me i looked up to see....

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