"Oh come on what could I possibly do?"

"Play with yourself." He said straight faced.

"Not with you here." Her once short hair now reached the middle of her back, it danced across her shoulders as she flicked it with sass and she turned around.
"Wow you're such a girl."

"Say that again and I'll punch you."

"Haha sorry. Pidge and Allura are way more intimidating than you are right now." He laughed.

"Screw you mullet." And then she got an idea. Even with a female brain she wasn't any smarter. She turns around and flashes Keith.
"What are you doing? Put those away." He covered his eyes.

"Why? Do you not want to see boobs?"

"Not yours."

"How rude. They look lovely. All round and plump, the nipples are so tiny and cute."

"Stop talking, what the hell is wrong with you?"
Lance got another idea, she was going to see just how far she could make him freak out.
She walked up to Keith, who's eyes were still closed. "Did you put your shirt down?"

"Yes." As he opened his eyes, lips touched his own and his eyes widen in shock. Pushing her away and looking at her, he felt strange, that didn't feel right to him. Was it because it's lance? Or because it's a girl?
"Awe you didn't like it?"


"So you don't like kissing girls?"

"That was my first kiss, how am I supposed to know?"

"Oh my god really? I took your first kiss."
So she kissed him again and with more tongue, again Keith did not like it. But lance was loving it, she always had the hots for Keith and finally making a move on him.
"Okay lance stop it, I don't like this."

"Well maybe if you touched these." She took his hand and placed it on her boob, making him squeeze it earning a small moan from her.
"Dude, you like that?"

"Yeah these things are so sensitive. A girls body is really something."

And then Keith twisted the nipple making her squeal. "Why would you do that? That hurt."

"That was kind of funny."

"Oh yeah." She reaches down and grabbed his third leg.
"Hey hey, let go." He begged.
She squeezed a little making him groan and then rubbed him, his groans turned into sighs of pleasure.
"You like that." She smiled.

"Shut up and let go." She didn't and started to kiss him again. This time earning moans from him. "Keith. You wanna fuck this tight pussy?" She whispered in his ear.

"Ugh that's sick, a girl should never talk like that."

"But I'm not really a girl. It's still me lance, who you are making out with."
Keith slapped himself in the face realizing how true that was, but something kept him from leaving.
"Yeah well you look like a girl and sound like a girl, it's making me feel all weird."

"How so?"

"I don't know. I don't really like kissing you, but, but you touching me is nice." He blushed.

"I'll touch you anywhere you'd like."

"Is this like a female hormone thing or something? Do you feel weird at all?"

"Nope, I just like you. And being a girl has made me surprising enough more confident than ever."

"But your a guy, normally. How could you like another guy?"

"Because i do. How can you not like anyone?"

"I never said I didn't. And right now I'm a little confused. Just leave me alone for a minute." Keith walked away and sat against the wall.

After some time in silence lance noticed her boobs were shrinking. "Oh no their getting smaller."

She turned back into he, dick and all.
"Lance your back." Keith seemed happy.

"Yeah I guess it wore off. So you wanna try and kiss now?" He smiled his flirty smile.

"Really lance. I said leave me alone."

"Yeah for a minute. It's been an hour." Lance pinned him to the wall and forced their lips together. Keith didn't fight or push away he deepens the kiss by pulling on his shirt. Once apart lance was smiling like a dork.
"you totally liked that kiss. Ha you like kissing guys. Huh, you like kissing me." He realized what he was saying, slightly freaking out.

Keith blushed and slowly nodded, "so what if I do."
Lance smiles with a blush, he wasn't the only one who liked the kiss.
"Awe that's so cute." Lance teased.

"Shut up." Keith glares at him.

"Make me." Lance was testing him.
Keith grinned and grabbed his collar and kissed him hard.
A sudden knock stopped them. Pidge walked in.
"Lance, you're a boy again."

"Yeah it wore off."

"Hmm, good to know. Maybe I could make this stuff useful one day."
She walked out and they continued their make out session.
"So Keith, when did you start having a crush on me?"

"I don't have a crush on you. God, I just- I like you, I like kissing you. Stop making me say this and kiss me."

"You're so pushy and needy, it's cute." They kiss until their lips were chapped.
Eventually they stopped and joined everyone else to celebrate lance being a boy again.

**maybe I'll do another gender bend chapter... who knows**

Keith x lance (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now