Valentine's day

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Back at it again.

Lance was coming up with a plan on how he would ask Keith to be his valentine, he had been crushing on him so long and it's about time to finally tell him.
"Pidge can you help me make little flowers?"


"I need little flowers to put in the shape of a heart."

"Ohh, you finally telling Keith how you feel?" She wiggles her eyebrows in a goofy way.

"Shush, not so loud, but yes. I'm asking him to be my valentine." He looks around to make sure no one especially Keith, wasn't around to hear.

"I can do you one better, we can go to a planet that is uninhabited and it only grows beautiful flower fields."

"That sounds awesome. Let's do that."
They take off in the green lion, without a word to anyone.
It wasn't long until Shiro was calling them, "pidge where are you going?"

"I'm taking lance to a planet so he can get some flowers."


"It's Valentine's Day, at least that's what my calendar says. I calculated an earth calendar so I can keep track of the days, since time is different in space." She rambled.

"Anyways, we'll be back Shiro, I just need to get some flowers for um, someone." Lance scratched his head shyly.

"Okay, just be careful." He smiles softly.

"We will."

When they arrive at the planet, the fields were endless colors of all kinds of flowers.
"Wow, this is beautiful."

"It sure is." They take in the scenery for a moment, breathing the fresh air, it reminded them of earth.
Then lance started to pick flowers, arranging them in his hand as a bouquet. A rainbow of flowers blooms in his hand, once he was satisfied with it he ties it together with a ribbon.
"Wow, who knew you were a floweriest." Pidge comments.

"My mom made center pieces for the dinner table all the time, I picked up on it." He replied. Then he takes out a big ziplock bag and picks more flowers, gently placing them in the bag until it was full.
"What are you doing with those?"

"I'm gonna pick the peddles off and shape a heart on the floor."

"Wow, you're so extra."

"Shut up. I'm a hopeless romantic."

"What are you going to do if he says no?"

"Please don't jinx me. I hope he says yes."

They get back to the castle and lance is in his room, plucking each peddle off and laying it on the floor. The bouquet sat in a vase of water on his desk.
After two hours the heart was done, he stands marveling at it, proud of his work.
"Now I need a shower."
He cleans every inch of his body, not wanting anything to smell bad. After that, he styled his hair and brushed his teeth.
Lastly he puts on a blue button up shirt and black dress pants.

He stands in the mirror, making sure he looked good, taking a couple pictures too.
"Okay. Time to find Keith."
He goes to leave and jumps back as he came face to face with the red paladin.
"Keith, hi, I wasn't expecting you to be right there."

"Sorry, I wanted to um." He paused, looking lance up and down, he blushed seeing lance in formal clothes made his brain shut down for a moment.
"Keith, I'm actually glad you're here. I wanted to ask you something."
He comes back to reality and looks at lance.
"What is it?"
Lance walks backwards, watching his step and stands in the middle of the heart of flowers.

Keith x lance (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now