Lances birthday

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Another year, another amazing day to celebrate our favorite soft boi. Lance McClain!!
And me, it's my birthday too.
This is late, sorry.

Lance was sleeping ever so peacefully, he didn't notice his friends walking into his room. They gather around his bed with balloons and party poppers.
They count down and shout, "happy birthday."
He jolts up, once he realized it was just them he settled down.
"Wow, that's a way to wake up." He sighs.

"Happy birthday lance." Said pidge and she pulled the string of the popper, exploding confetti all over him.

"You're gonna clean that up." He chuckled.

"Yup, so let's make a mess." She cheers and everyone pulls their poppers too.

They had a grand breakfast, everything lance liked was spread out on the table.
"Wow, you've out done yourself, hunk." His mouth was watering.

"It's all for you buddy."

After breakfast, these each gave him a gift; pidge made a hologram of his dog so he could still see him.
"Awe Rex, this is so cute."
Hunk made friendship bracelets, Shiro got him comic books, and Keith gave him a knife.
"Thank you, these are amazing."

"Happy birthday lance." They all cheer.
The rest of the day was a party, Allura and coran invited all the friends they made over the time they've been in space, all the people they saved from the galra wandered into the castle and wished lance a happy birthday.

Most of them even gave him some form of present, although he didn't know what some of the things were, he still accepted the gifts.

At some point he slips out of the room and goes for a walk.
"Man, sometimes it's tiring being the center of attention." He sighs.

"That's funny, coming from you."

"Keith, where have you been?"

"Around, I don't like being cramped with so many people."

"Yeah, that's why I had to finally leave."

"Hey um, you mind coming to my room? I have another present for you." He lowered his head to hide his blush.

"Sure, wow what could it be that you didn't give it to me earlier?"

"It's not something that everyone else should see." Keith's face was turning more red by the minute, thankfully he was leading the way so lance couldn't see him.

Once they were in Keith's room, he directed lance on the bed without a word.
"Want me to close my eyes?" He said playfully.

"Yes." He locked the door, just in case.
"Just hold on." He moved towards Lance slowly, his hand ghosted over Lance's cheek, he pulled away and just simply pressed his lips to the blue paladins.
It didn't last long before Keith pulled away and stood back.

Lance opened his eyes, his finger traced his lips as he looks at Keith.
"Did you just kiss me?"

"Yes." He was blushing.

"Why did you stop?"

"I just wanted to kiss you once, I know you don't like me in that way but I-"

"Who said that?" Lance interrupted him.


"Who said I didn't like you? I've liked you since the garrison."

"Wait, really?" Keith got excited.

"Yeah. Why do you think I did all the stuff I did? It was to get you to notice me." He pouts, feeling like his efforts were in vain.

"I did notice you, but you would flirt with girls all the time, I didn't think you would like guys."
Lance walks towards Keith, he was backed into the wall.
"I like both. But you, specifically I've had feelings for, for a long time." He grabs Keith's face, softly cupping his cheeks.
"Can we try that kiss again?"

Keith x lance (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now