His shirt

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Back at it again.

"I can't believe Keith is actually throwing a party." Lance exclaimed.

"Well, it is his birthday." Said pidge.

"Yeah but, he's not a party person."

"He's finally coming out of his shell, don't complain about it."

"I guess so, it's just new and different."

Lance and pidge were at the mall, doing last minute shopping. They hit every store trying to find the perfect gifts for Keith.
"Hey there is a knife store down this way." Said pidge.

"We all know how much he loves knives." Lance rolls his eyes.

"Well, you still need to get him something." She already got him something from Spencer's.

"Yeah, I know." He looks all around the store, so many blades of various shapes and sizes.
"Look at the size of that one." He points to an ornate broad sword, gems decorated the hilt.
"That's too flashy for Keith."

"I know, but like wow." He kept looking, daggers, swords, throwing stars, even weapons from video games.
"Hey, that's from HALO."

"We're not shopping for you." Pidge hits him in the back.

"I know, jeez." He whines and then something caught his eye. It was a red gem, it decorated the bottom of the hilt, the sheath was black with a red dragon on the side of it.
"Wow, this is the one."

"You have a good eye, this beauty was brought in today and is looking for a good home." Said the store owner.

"My friend would love this, I'll take it." Lance was happy with his purchase and goes home to wrap it up.

Keith was putting the last things together for his party, Shiro helped too.
"How does turning 25 feel?"

"Like last year, but better."

"What's better about it?"

"I have you and everyone else." He smiles softly.

"You're growing up, and having a party finally. I'm proud of you." Shiro high fives him and then hugs him.

"Thank you, Shiro. If it wasn't for you, I don't think I would be here."

"I can't take all the credit. There's a certain someone that has saved your life before too." He smirks, and Keith blushed as he remembered those years ago.

"Shut up, they should be here soon."
Keith had a drink to calm his nerves down, and before he knew it the first guest arrived.
"Happy birthday Keith." Hunk sings.

"Thank you."

Lance and pidge came a few minutes later, then Allura and coran, and his mom.
They had lots of food and drinks, and music played.
"Wow you actually know how to have a party." Lance laughs over the music.

"I'm an introvert not stupid." Keith retorts.

"Play me in beer pong." He smirks devilishly.

"Is there a bet?"

"You know it. Whoever wins gets to make the loser do whatever they want." Lance grins.

"You're so gonna lose."

"We'll see."

Keith started the game by making it in and Lance drank, but he was determined to win and throws the ball with accuracy, landing it in.
They went back and forth, some shots were missed and others hit.
Keith laughs as he gets ready to aim, he had only two cups left, while Lance had four to get rid of.
"What's so funny?"

Keith x lance (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now