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A fun request, enjoy.

Keith was leaning against the glass display case, bored out of his mind.
"Kogane, what did I say about leaning?" His boss comes in from the back room.

"Um, if you can lean you can clean?"

"That's a good one, but no. Don't lean on the damn glass." He says rudely.

"Sorry." He stands up, and looks at the clock, he still had two hours of his shift left.
He worked at a gun and knife store, it was usually busy on the weekdays, but today was slow.
The chime rings as the door opens, finally Keith had someone to talk to.
He wasn't expecting to see the red and black suited anti hero.
"Holy shit, Deadpool."

"What's up kid, I need guns."

"Um, well what kind of guns?" He ignored the 'kid' and continued to be the best salesman he could be.

"I like that shiny one right there." He points on the glass at a silver Smith and Wesson.

"Okay." He takes the gun from the case and hands it to Deadpool.
He holds it, aiming at the wall. "Oh yeah, I like this. Can I get the green tip rounds?"

"Yeah, sure." Keith was a little worried about what he was going to do with the gun, but ultimately knew exactly what he was going to do.
"Oh that red one match's my suit."

"You want it?"

"Hell yeah."

"Okay, can you fill out this paperwork."

"Um no. I gotta stay anonymous, you know cus I'm wearing a mask for a reason."

"But I need to know who you are and-."

"Sorry kid, you're not getting my name and you're not sending my info to the cops." He slaps a band of money on the counter and loads the guns in holsters.
"That's enough for more than these guns, but I only need these two. So keep the change." He runs out the door before Keith can say anything else.
"Okay, I know I'll have to deal with that later." He gathers the money and puts it in the register.

"Good job kogane, that was a big sale." His boss looks over his shoulder at the register.
"Um, thanks." He wasn't going to tell him that it was very illegal.
  It was finally time for Keith to leave, he's bounding down the sidewalk towards his favorite restaurant, craving a burger and fries.

After dinner, he goes into a back alley and climbs the side of the building, up to the rooftop.
He slips his mask on and takes his clothes off to reveal his suit.
"Now I have to find Deadpool, before he does something stupid." He shoots a web and swings through the city.

Gunshots echo and Spider-Man swings in the direction towards the noise.
He lands on a light post and sees Deadpool standing over a group of bodies.
"I was too late." Spider-Man groans to himself.

"Hiya spidey." He noticed the shadow then looks up.

"Why did you kill them?" He lands on the ground.

"Because I was paid to."

"What did they do?"

"You really want that laundry list? Speaking of laundry, they washed money, there was also robbery, one of them had kiddie porn on his phone, multiple counts of home invasion, should I continue?"

"No, I get it. Thanks for dealing with them."

"No problem, so since that's done, wanna get some food?" Deadpool leans close in a flirtatious manner.

"I just ate, but thanks." The flirty tone in Deadpool's voice went right over the hero's head.

"Then let's go for a drink."

Keith x lance (one shots)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu