22•"your like a red rose in a room full of white ones"

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I held my breath as I nervously tried to control my nerves from completely absorbing my body, it took Calum a quick few seconds to shove me under the bed to avoid Nia seeing me standing embraced with him in his shirt.

It's probably the worst, most cliche hiding space, and probably the first place an average person would look. But it's the best we could do, or more like Calum could do. I'm lucky he's such a quick impulse person, because I was frozen to my spot and if it wasn't for his quick thinking I would be red faced still in the same spot.

"You missed breakfast" I hear her voice enter the room and I force myself to stop my fingers drum the wooden floor beneath me nervously as I adjust my eyes to the darkness under the bed.

"Oh, yeah I kinda slept in" Calum replies perfectly and I sigh silently in relief.

"It was lonely without you, but we can go to lunch together"

"Nia. Why are you acting like this?" Calum sighs and I scrunch my eyebrows together intensely listening to the strange conversation.

"Like what? Can't a girlfriend just be concerned about her boyfriend?" She replies harshly and I blink slowly.

"A fake girlfriend" Calum corrects and I can practically hear Nia roll her eyes.

Suddenly pressure is above me and the mattress dips to touch my head, I feel nearly crushed as Nia sits on the bed and I mentally curse out Calum for shoving me under here as my fate is inevitable now, I'm gonna suffocate.

"Whatever, we're still dating to the public and the fans, so I don't wanna see you with Melissa" and I nod in agreement silently , for once I agree with Nia.

"Yeah whatever so I'll meet you for lunch soon?"

To my relief Nia rises from the bed and I recover my poor limbs and let out a shortened quiet breath. I see Calum's bare feet and her boots walk across the wood from the small slit separating the bed from the ground. I squint my eyes through the small crack where the light is peering through and rest my chin on my folded arms.

"Yeah meet me at Grove, lots of paps will be there! Buh-by- what is that?"

"What's what?" I hear Calum reply gruffly and I can only judge from their feet which isn't a very good verdict surprisingly.

My eyes widen as I see Nia bend down and pick up a dress that was scrunched in the corner of the room, my dress. She discards the green piece of material on the ground and I shut my eyes in fear and embarrassment. Calum better save us.

"Who the hell owns that?"

"I don't know Melissa or something?" Calum scoffs but I pick up the anxiety laced with his voice and I don't blame him. If Nia found me here she would go crazy.

"Do you expect me to believe that? That whore is like a toothpick this wouldn't fit her" she laughs and I feel my face burn up in embarrassment, yeah the dress wasn't a size 0 but guess what Nia! Not every girl is tall, skinny and beautiful.

"Is this Mindy's dress?"

"What? Do you mean Cindy?" Calum responds and I silently facepalm, he could of made up some imaginary blonde groupie but he chooses to lead the suspicion.

"I don't care what her name is! Calum why the hell is her dress here?" Nia raises her voice.

"God Nia give me break! Her and Margot got locked out of their hotel room last night and had to stay here" Calum yawns and I thank the Gods for his quick lie.

"Oh really?" Nia says sweetly but the venom is laced with her words and I cautiously breath through my nose as if she can hear my every move just a few centimetres away from her.

The Internship•Calum Hood AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora