4•"nice underwear.black lace is my favourite"

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Chapter dedicated to darlin-ashton cuz Ethan👏🏻👏🏻😎😎

The first night on the bus was crap to say
the least, it's going to take me weeks to fall asleep while constantly bumping on a road. My thoughts kept me awake as I lay in bed trying to sleep. I can't believe Calum followed me in my room and said I was good looking.

I checked my phone and it read 2:12 in the morning. I groan and come to terms that I'm never going to get to sleep.

I've only known this Calum dude a day and he's already messing up my sleep. I take a deep breath and realise that I'm here for one thing. To follow my dreams, I don't have time for boyfriends. Not that Calum would date an average intern on his tour, but I'm not letting anyone distract me, I want this more than anything.

Convinced I knocked some sense into myself I silently slip down the side of my bunk and feel my feet pad the carpet. I hear a loud snore and Ruby stirs in her bed. For being so stuck up she snores like a pig.

I rub my eyes tip-toeing into the lounge to find something to eat, every time I can't sleep I always find myself roaming for food. So basically everyday.

Yawning I make my way to the small kitchenette and open the cupboards, basic stuff like peanut butter, crackers and some plates and glasses. Opening the fridge I see it's completely empty besides a half done carton of milk. Great, now I'm not only gonna be exhausted but I'm gonna starve also.

Sighing loudly I open the last cupboard and see a familiar red box of cereal. I actually squeal in glee and grab the box of Lucky Charms. When me and Sierra were broke at the start of college; we lived off lucky charms for at least a week.

I grab a bowl and the milk and make my cereal. I'm just about to close the fridge when I hear a voice behind me.

"Stealing my Lucky Charms I see"

I scream a little I think I peed abit. Jumping round I see a young boy about my age or older, he has slightly curly dark chocolate hair and the most intense green eyes I think I've ever seen. I spot an earring in his earlobe and a little bit of stubble protruding around his top lip. He's grinning widely and the sharp bone from his jawline is moving as he laughs.

I'm lost for words and I don't know if I'm scared, shocked or completely speechless. Here I was at 3 am in the morning, wearing nothing but my large orange Saint Pablo sweater. Heck, this sweater isn't even mine. I stole this from Sierra when she got it on depop after her obsession with Kanye West after she listened to one song.

The random boy clicks his fingers in front of my face like a magician and I snap out of the trance I was in. I clear my throat and look around the room but I can feel his deep eyes looking at me, as if he can see inside me.

"Cat got your tongue?" He laughs and I start getting annoyed, honestly  I don't know if it's because I haven't slept in 24 hours, the fact I was interrupted while trying to enjoy my cereal or that I'm nearly  naked with a beautiful boy infront of me but this mystery dude better leave me alone.

"No!" I hiss back at him setting my bowl down. He raises his eyebrows at my remark as I continue.
"You just scared the fucking crap out of me in the middle of the night, and I don't even know who you are"

He puts his hands up in defence and steps back.
"Hey I only came here for some cereal then I seen a girl with a huge orange sweater on looking like a tangerine stealing my cereal"

I cannot believe he is making a joke out of this! Not to mention the fact he has the sexiest voice ever which is replacing my anger with curiosity to who this boy is.

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