1•"we made some crazy memories here"

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The phone call with Zoe was such a rush, she
talked me through safety terms,rules,how much stuff I could bring and my whole background in general. She confirmed that the entire experience was free for myself and I didn't need to pay for accommodation or food. Only nights out if I chose to go to clubs.

I lay in bed replaying the conversation in my head. How can I sleep after hearing that my dreams are coming true? after tossing and turning for what felt like forever I decided to check out the band I was going to be spending the night with.

As I went on Instagram I realised I had completely blown up. Since winning the competition I've gained thousands of followers and likes on my pictures. I can't even believe this is happening to someone so boring and ordinary like me.

I follow the page 5SOS and after a few tagged photos I find the accounts of the boys, i quickly follow each of them but I linger on the account of Calum Hood. His recent photo was brooding of himself, it was black and white and clearly from some sort of shoot. He actually was super good looking.

Locking my phone I cover my hands with my face as I scream into myself for what seemed like the millionth time that night, tour was only 4 days away and I had to pack early and clear my dorm tomorrow. I drowned in a slumber and let my thoughts drift as I dozed off.


"Finally!" I shout as I slap the hard exterior of my black suitcase. I'd manage to shove all my clothes in, not that I had a lot. Sierra insisted on lending me some dresses, she said incase I go out partying.

"Partying, seriously when have I partied" I scoffed when she mentioned it. "Sierra I spend my days reading,studying or taking pictures. The night life isn't for me"

"Shut up Cindy! Your basically famous now your gonna be like a celebrity!" She clapped her hands in delight but her face was quickly masked with a emotion I couldn't understand.

"If you get the job, you won't forget about your little old roommate all the way home in Arizona will you?" She smiled weakly.

"Sierra! Of course not, if I get the job heck your coming with me! What's the experience if I can't spend it with the person I love the most" I engulf her in a hug and she seems convinced because she again has me up to clear our dorm.


The next 3 days flew in and after telling my parents and getting there wishes, it quickly becomes real as I stood at the door with my case looking at the dorm room I entered a year ago.

On Sierra's side of the room her bed was stripped of the familiar Apricot sheets and was bare. The walls were plain but the faint marks of tape remained where her various posters of bands and photos of friends were stuck to. The bedside desk was clean of all her chapsticks, her headphones, her sleeping mask and the framed photo of her sister Penelope.

The fairy lights were away which draped around our room. My messy section of the wardrobe was clean and the kitchen where we spent the days baking, living off microwave dinners and attempting to cook was spotless.

This was the only time we risked not being roommates in the same dorm. Our last year of school approaching meant that we were moved to a new set of dorm facilities. Heck. That was if we were even coming back.

I glanced around the room and the memories flooded my vision. The 3 am dance parties on the lavender fuzzy rug, comforting Sierra when she was drunk and cried over her ex boyfriend with pots of ice cream. Stressing over exams, having Netflix marathons on our beanbags, taking silly polaroids, preparing eachother for first dates and squealing about them after and sneaking boys into our dorms. Yes I wanted to chase my dream,but I love my home.

Sierra seemed to be thinking the same thing as she wipes her eyes and smiles. "We made some crazy memories here" and I can't find the words to respond. I just nod nostalgically and silently agree with her.

As much as I hate to leave. There is so much more for me outside the bleak gates of college.

I take a deep breath and close the door behind me, leaving behind everything I know and locking my room for the last time. We make our way toward the elevators and pass a couple of students clearing their dorms. It's clear we all feel the same.

Sierra and her boyfriend Mac drive me to the airport. God I hate him. He's so entitled and just because he's rich he thinks he can trample all over me and people like me, I stay silent the entire way there.

Soon enough I'm hauling my case out of the boot with no wanted help from Mac.

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you in Cin? To make sure you find your terminal" Sierra said breaking the silence.

God is it really that noticeable I've never been on a plane before. Before I can speak Mac buts in."Come on Sierra babe, she said no"

It's my turn to speak now."Shut the fuck up Mac, nobody's talking to you" I snap and turn my eyes back to my best friend. "Sierra you know I hate goodbyes, I'll be fine and I'll see you soon. I love you" and with a hug I make my way to enter the glass doors of the airport.

"Text me every day!" She shouts and I reply with a thumbs up. I observe my surroundings and the huge airport is roaming with noise and people, holiday goers with toddlers by hand and couples jetting off for a romantic weekend away. Now is the perfect time to take some pictures.

I dig into my bag and take out my beloved camera. I take a few photos and capture a really good one of a women sitting in the waiting lounge, she looks eager and impatient as if she's waiting for someone to arrive home. The picture tells more than words can, and that's what I love about it.

I put my camera away and make my way towards the baggage area and after I'm free of my suitcase I walk towards my terminal. The squeak of my converse hits against the tiled ground and I find myself playing with the tail ends of my dark braided hair. Something I do when I'm nervous.

It seems like hours of reading books and scrolling through twitter before I realise I'm being called to board, and after a long queue of tickets being scanned and boarding passes being confirmed. I'm finally on an airplane for the first time.

I'm not that scared at all and I find it more exciting than anxious. I find my seat beside a women around the age of 25 or 26, she smiled at me warmly and I took my seat in the middle.

"Hi there I'm Melissa" she says softly and she has the kindest green eyes I've ever seen.

"I'm Cindy" I shyly reply, embarrassed at my horribly basic name.

We chat about travelling to Australia and other topics as the plane takes off. I found out she has a fiancé and is visiting him in Australia to check for homes before  she moves out there with him.

Our conversation gradually withers as I lay back in my chair, I'm so happy for the outfit choice I made of a large white cashmere sweater and leggings. Perfect for a 16 hour straight flight.

I place the sleeping mask over my eyes and plug in my headphones as I drift off slowly, my thoughts encased in the sound of turbulence and the sounds of the 1975 in my ears.

SORRY FOR THE BORING FILLER! The story will get good from here onwards!! In the next chapter there will be more drama and plot if that makes sense this chapter is just to give a depth into Cindys personality💞💞💞

The Internship•Calum Hood AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora