6•"can i have this dance?"

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"Oh my gosh, like I've been to concerts but that one was just incredible" Ruby squealed as we boarded the bus after the concert.

Making sure to keep up my fangirl persona I added in words and squeals of my own. I wasn't quite ready to reveal myself yet.

"Yeah, probably because you were like right up close" Margot teased as she unzipped her boots and wiggled her feet.

Ruby smiled and showed us the flurry of photographs she got from the concert. To tell the truth she was an amazing photographer, her pictures were really good and I couldn't help but feel anxious she would win the competition.

Behind us we heard the rest of the team go on the bus. The buzz was real as the excited conversations about the first bang of the tour came to a close. I could get used to this.

I spotted Ethan climbing the bus with another boy I recognised as Jack. He was doing these extravagant gestures explaining how he had to be lifted off the ground to record the audience.

I smiled watching the conversation then glanced away when he caught my eye realising I was staring.

He made his way toward me and slung a built arm over my shoulders and did his amazing grin that made me blush.

"So how was your first night on tour?" He questioned his head close to mine, I could smell the cologne but it wasn't as nearly as captivating as Calum's.

"It was great! Tomorrow will be better" I reply smiling.

"I like your attitude babe" he smirked and I felt myself melt under his nicknames. I didn't reply and smiled back when I heard the voice of Max our team leader speaking.

"Great effort tonight! Especially Ruby, your pictures for the first time was awesome!"

I clapped along with the rest of the group politely as he hushed our claps with his hands and continued;

"So to celebrate Zoe said we are kicking off the tour with a night out in Melbourne'

Everyone cheered and highfived eachother, except for me. Tonight I could relax alone, going out wasn't really my thing.

I felt a poke in my side and turned to face Ethan. He lowered his head to my ear and my skin tickled as he spoke.

"Your coming aren't you?" He whispers and not trusting my words I just shake my head.

"Why not?" He asks and I clear my throat slightly.

"I- I just don't want to. It's not my thing" I smiled back and he rolls his eyes.

"Come on Cindy it's the first night. Don't you wanna explore Melbourne"

I chew my lips and ponder my thoughts. He did have a point, I could get to know more people and this is probably the last time I would ever see Australia again.

"Okay" I shrug and stand up as Margot pulls me into the bunk room.

"Cindy! He likes you" she hisses and I shush her with my finger.

"What! No he doesn't Margot" I shout whisper and feel my cheeks going red.

We have a few minutes arguing and shushing eachother when a new thought enters my mind.

"Hey Margot, so you think the boys will be there?" I ask and she smiles back.

"Of course. We have about an hour until we go so let's glow up for our impression" she wiggles her eyebrows and I chuckle.

The Internship•Calum Hood AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن