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It's prom time! I put on my gold dress before putting in my brown contacts. My eyes San my room once more before I go downstairs, where the Cullen's all stand~ but Edward. Edward has went to pick up my crippled sister, Bella. Her left is still in a boot.

"Wow." Rosalie smiles. "You look lovely."

"You do too."

Rosalie's dress is white, with a unique red design on the skirt of it. She has borrowed some black heels from Alice.

Jasper and I walk into the hotel where prom is being held, holding each other's hands. My sweet mate smiles down at me before we are engulfed by a huge crowd of students. I see Jessica standing at the DJ booth with Mike, smiling bright. Angela is dancing with Eric, also smiling.

"They're happy." I grin. "It's a good thing to see. Happiness."

"It is good to feel, too." Jasper mumbles, causing me to laugh. "You're happy, too."

"I was born to be a vampire." I whisper, and we both erupt in laughter before Bella waddles in with Edward. "Bella!"

"August!" Bella hugs me. "You're happy, again."

I nod. "Laurent helped with that."

"I know." Bella says.

Jasper is talking to Emmett, Edward, and Cody. Rosalie and Alice are chatting casually with Jessica and Angela. Rosalie is tense, but Alice is very perky.

"This family has helped a lot, too." I add as I look at each vampire, but an unfamiliar scent hits me. "I'm going upstairs, it's hard to resist."

"Go." Bella says. "I'll find the girls."

I follow the unfamiliar scent upstairs. Only to have it pass right by me; i recognize that red hair from anywhere... Victoria. My nose finds the room the nomadic vampire was in, and I shuffle towards the window.

My eyes widen when I see what Victoria was watching, Edward and Bella. Edward plants a gentle peck on my sister's neck, denying her the chance of changing.

Unfortunately, Bella is jealous that I became a vampire and she didn't. This was not my choice. Dying was not a choice I wanted to make. I didn't give myself heart cancer at age 10. Not my fault that the doctors ran all the wrong tests.

Releasing a sigh, I go down to join the crowd of humans again. Jasper approaches me as soon as he sees me. Nobody else saw or smelled Victoria. Perks of being a tracker, I can smell other vampires much better than the others in this coven / family.

"Hey," Jasper greets. "Let's dance."

A slow song starts right as he says those words, and I cannot deny my mate a romantic dance. Jasper takes my hand, and he escorts me to the dance floor. Jasper and I stare each other in the eyes, and he kisses he gently.

"I love you, Augustine." Jasper says as he looks me in my eyes again.

"I love you, too, Jasper." I reply, laying my head on his shoulder.

Jasper takes my hand and he leads me outside, to the gazebo Bella and Edward had just left. Jasper twirls me and he dips me.

"Promise me, you'll never leave me." I whisper. "I cannot lose you." 

"I promise." Jasper muses. "I won't leave you, Augustine."

Jasper Hale
This feels so.... Right. Augustine here in my arms, me not having the urge to kill her. Augustine snuggles into my arms as a slow song plays from the stereo Emmett brought, and I just sigh.

It hurts, that Augustine is a vampire so young. She wasn't able to turn eighteen. She is stuck at seventeen, because heart cancer killed her.

Carlisle had grown too attached to Augustine, so he couldn't change her. We got lucky Laurent showed he cared, and showed up when he did. Carlisle asked Laurent to change Augustine. Laurent showed a liking towards my mate.

My stomach drops as Augustine goes inside, away from me. I lean against the gazebo railings, and watch as the most beautiful girl in my mind walks away~ a smile forming on my face.

"Jasper," Alice chirps as she finds me. "Where is Augustine?"

"She went inside." I respond. "Bella's birthday is coming up."

"I know." Alice muses, clearly excited. "I'm throwing her a birthday party."

"Of course you are, Alice." I muse, clearly entertained and amused. "You are a party thrower. Is it going to be formal?"

"Well, of course silly." Alice smirks. "If so kiss you, but I love Cody."

"And I love Augustine." I say. "Too much to cheat; plus, cheating goes against my moral. I'm loyal."

"I know." Alice smiles. "Go. Find her."

Augustine Swan
I hurry inside as the conversation between Alice and Jasper end, and I find Rosalie.

"Hey beautiful," I muse in greeting.

Rosalie hugs me. "Hey!"

I ride home with Jasper, and I take my contacts out~ my fading crimson eyes in full sight. I did good around humans. Once my diet is under control, I can go back to school.... Maybe waiting until my senior year will be a good enough wait.

I change out my prom dress, and wash the hairspray out of my hair. Jasper is resting up in my room when I walk in. He smiles over at me before I climb into bed with him.

"I heard you and Alice earlier." I whisper. "Thank you, for being loyal."

Jasper kisses my head, and we are like this all night.

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