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Augustine Swan.
Forks, Washington.
The Cullen's house.
Pain. Pain is all I feel as the vampires venoms spread through my dead veins. Screams manage to escape my throat as the venom feels like it is burning, scorching me.

My eyes finally snap open, and I see everything so clearly. From tiny specks of dust to a squirrel at the very end of the yard. I smell nobody, however. My hearing is also one hundred percent higher. From birds chirping in the woods, and cars on the main road~ the house is like half a mile from the main road.

I work my way downstairs, where I notice the house is empty. How did that ball game go? Did James decide to go after my sister? My thoughts are interrupted by my throat burning in thirst, realizing I need to feed.

Remembering the Cullen's diet, I flash into the trees~ award that are protecting Isabella. My eyes scan each small critter and large mammals that roams the woods. From bear and fox, to the tiny infects.

I hide myself behind a thick tree as I find my meal, a male deer. I flash over to the deer, and I drink every last drop. My head snaps up when I hear tires hit the gravel to our driveway.

I hide behind a tree at the house when I recognize the ones in the car. Carlisle. Esme. Jasper. Emmett. Edward. Bella must be at home. I see each gifted ones ability. Jasper = Feels and manipulates feelings. Emmett = his strength is higher than the others. Edward = reads minds.

My eyes move upwards, and find Carlisle in the empty room where I awoken. His eyes narrow in confusion as I stay behind the trees.

"You're awake." Cody whispers.

Cody, Rosalie, and Alice traveled to me by food.

"Shh, look." I whisper before I look at Alice, seeing her ability, the ability to read the future. "I see abilities as one my own abilities."

Rosalie hugs me, welcoming me to the Vampire world and the coven. My eyes refocus on the house, and find the vampires at home on the balcony. Cody, Rosalie, and Alice leave the trees, and I follow.

Jasper is the first one to hug me, and he smells intensely like gunpowder. Am I a tracker? Everyone else has a different smell. I cannot really name their scents, but they're instantly locked in.

"I think I'm also a tracker." I say.

"Emmett!" Jasper calls.

"Hey August," Emmett smirks.

"I wanna tear this Newborns strength, she if she has your strength." Jasper says. "She sees abilities according to Cody, and she's a tracker."

Emmett carries a huge dead tree trunk, and drops in the middle of us. Once I grab his hand for an arm wrestle, I freeze as every single thought from Emmett comes through my head. From his human years, his death, his first sight of Rosalie....

I jerk my hand back. "Edward?"

"You share an ability with Aro Volturi." Edward replies. "You can see every thought one has. We thought just by one touch."

"Let's do this," I smirk as we join hands again.

We both struggle for a win of strength. Our hands are stuck straight up, no matter how hard we try. Emmett finally gives up.

"You have my super strength too." Emmett smirks. "You're one badass newborn."

"What can i say," I smirk. "I'm amazing."

Emmett only laughs before Bella hugs me, in her cast.

"How bad did James do?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips.

"He bit Bella." Edward says. "I ducked the Enron out, and almost didn't stop."

"Edward!" I gasp. "You bad, bad vampire."

"Shut up, August." Edward mumbles. "Hey, proms in a few days."

"I know." I smile. "I'm gonna wear some town contacts."

I flash inside, ad find Jasper in my room. I kiss my mate, catching the guy by surprise. Jasper soon wraps his arms around my small waist, and deepens the kiss. Now he can kiss me, because I am a vampire now.

As I touch him, I see every thought he has ever thought in his human and vampire life. The thoughts he had of me cause me to smile in the kiss before I pull away.

"Your thoughts are very intriguing, Jasper." I say. "I share Aro's ability."

"So I heard." Jasper muses, kissing my cheek. "Feels good to kiss you without the urge to kill you, Augustine."

"I know how you felt, Jasper." I coo. "It was hard for you. It is hard for me to be around my own sister."

"You just have to fight it," Jasper says. "Trust me when I say it is harder than you think it is."

I lay in bed beside Jasper, knowing I don't have to worry about sleep anymore. Jasper kisses the top of my head, and I rest my head on his shoulder. We lay down like this all night, talking about how it was Laurent who changed me.

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