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It has been a few days so far, still no Edward or Jasper. Carlisle Cullen called my father just last night, wanting me to come after school today.

Jasper and Edward are both actually back, leaned against their vehicles. Bella stands beside me, she seems happy Edward is back. She pushed the worsening of my heart aside when she saw the Cullen boy.

"Hey," I hear a southern voice say as I walk towards the school. "I'm Jasper Hale, I'm sorry that I didn't get to introduce myself the other day."

At the name, I whip around, and grip my chest. "Mm, sorry. I moved too fast."

"Chest pains?" Jasper seems confused. "Are you alright?"

"Just a bad heart." I mutter. "It's been skipping beats. I'm in the verge of a heart attack."

"What's your name?" Jasper asks as he walks me to our first class.

"Augustine." I reply shortly right as we find English. "Lets go in."

I actually hitch a ride with Jasper to the Cullen place, since he lives there. Jasper offered to drive me home, too.

"Augustine." Carlisle muses when I walk inside. "Emmett is doing tor EKG today, he's been studying under me."

I nod before following him upstairs. Emmett is standing by the equipment needed for my EKG. He looks over at me and he smiles sadly.

"Let's do this."

Jasper Hale.
I listened to her irregular heartbeat the entire drive here, and through out the entire day. Her heart kept skipping beats.

"She is on the verge of a massive heart attack." Esme coos sadly. "Poor thing. She's so pretty."

"She really is," Alice chirps. "She's nice too."

Carlisle comes down, "Emmett is running the EKG. We can hear it."

Bear bear skip beat skip beat beat slow fast slow fast skip.
Her heart keeps skipping beats.

Augustine Swan
"I usually don't preform these things." Emmett tells me honestly. "But I know how to."

"I'm your first," I wink.

Emmett looks at me and laughs. "I guess you are. What did Carlisle say your name was?"

"Augustine." I reply.

Emmett books everything up, and he starts it. It beats, skips a few times, goes too slow and too fast, then skips some more.

"That doesn't sound good," Emmett mutters.

"Oh, wait until you see the sheet with my actual rhythm on it." I smirk. "It looks worse than it sounds, Emmett."

Emmett furrows his eyebrows before printing the waves of my heart, and his topaz like eyes widen just as quick as they look at the paper. "You weren't kidding. I have to show Carlisle."

I nod before I pull my shirt back on. Jasper walks in and has a seat.

"So?" Jasper asks as he looks over at me.

"Nothing good." I say. I see a heart attack coming. Isn't that trip tomorrow?"

"The day after," Jasper replies. "I'll pick you up and drop you off tomorrow. I don't mind."

"Alright." I reply.

Carlisle walks in. "You need to go home, and rest. Your heart isn't gonna last too long, miss Swan."

"What have we said about the last name thing?" I say, grimacing at a sharp pain in my chest. "It's Augustine to you, doc."

Carlisle smiles softly before looking at Jasper. "Drive her Home. I'll call and explain what the EKG said."

I get into Jasper's silver ford ranger, and he drives me across town. I thank him before I go inside. Dad pulls me into a loving hug, comforting me. Bella joins in on hugging me, she knows what doctor Cullen said too.

"I'm going to shower." I say before going to the bathroom.

I lock the door behind me, knowing this is the only bathroom amongst three people. I don't want anyone walking in on me. I use banana scented shampoo and conditioner, with some chocolate scented body wash.

When I'm clean, my chest isn't hurting actually. I put on some pajamas and I go to my room. I smile at the thought of Jasper picking me up in the morning.

I climb into my bed, and my heavy eyes close instantly. Sleep finds me soon after, letting me test after a long day.

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