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The sun shines right into my eyes as I wake up the following morning. Emmett is standing beside my window, with a huge smirk plastered on his face. I run my face and sit up. 

"Hey out, I have to get dressed." I grumble.

"Yes, ma'am." Emmett solutes. "Carlisle had me listen at your heart last night."

I shove the strong vampire out, and I find some clothes. I choose some skinny jeans, a gay cropped top and a denim jacket. I put my converse on before I take my meds and go downstairs. 

"You were exhausted last night," a kind woman says. "I didn't get to introduce myself; I'm Esme. The mom of the household."

"Carlisle's mate," I smile. "Jasper explained a lot to me last night on the way back."

"I'm glad he did," Carlisle says. "You wanna be changed?"

"When I die." I say. "I feel the heart attack coming....."

"When?" Carlisle asks.

"Soon," I say. "Within the next couple months. I'm glad I came to Forks when I did."

"Go to school, you guys."

I sit with my sister on te human bus, because Edward denied her riding their bus. She wanted me to ride with her.

"I've been worried about you, August." Bella says as we arrive at the greenhouses.

"I appreciate it, I'm fine though." I say. "I took my calcium and my other meds today."

Jasper takes my hand. "I apologize, Isabella. But I have come to steal your sister."

"That's fine." Bella says. "She likes you."

"I like her, to." Jasper smirks at me before we enter the greenhouse behind Molina.

"It's for the plants!" Molina scolds Tyler, Tyler attempted to drink the compost tea.

"Your chest hurting at all?" Jasper asks as we go to the roses, the smell caught my attention.

"A little, but not as bad as yesterday." I reply.

Jasper pulls me into his arms, and I rest my head on his cold shoulder. My brown eyes look at the red, fellow, and pink roses- and a smile creeps onto my face.

Jasper tugs me outside, and I sit down on a metal bench as it begins to drizzle rain again. Bella steps out with Edward right as Eric begins chasing Angela and Jessica with a worm on the end of a stick. Bella and Edward are actually having a decent conversation.

"They're actually having a conversation." I say to Jasper.

"Miraculously." Jasper says. "Bella is his blood singer, like you're mine."

I rest my head on Jasper's shoulder, watching as my sister talks to her future boyfriend. My chest isn't hurting right now, I'm feeling pretty good and content right now.

I sit on the couch with Esme when we get back from school, Jasper leaves with Alice and Cody for a hunt for animal blood. Jasper says he still has a hard time around my blood. It's not like I'll be alive much longer.

"Come on up, Augustine." Carlisle says as he walks in. "There is something I wan a check. Jasper feels emotions. You feel weak?"

"And very tired." I say.

Carlisle runs me to the hospital instead. My chest feels as if it is closing up, making it hard for me to breath. My heart feels as if it is going to beat right kid of my chest, but my pulse feels weak.

"I'll be back," Carlisle says after getting all of the tests. "If you have what I think, it is very rare."

Carlisle leaves the hospital room, and leaves me alone. I dial my dad's number.

"Baby?" Dad says.

"I'm at the hospital." I say. "Carlisle thinks I'll be okay." I lie.

"Oh thank god." Dad sighs in relief. "Call me whenever. I miss you over here."

"I miss you, too." I say before Carlisle comes in, with concern. "I have to go dad."

"Augustine...." Carlisle says as I hang up. "I was right. You have heart cancer. It is rare, and is deadly."

"It's cancer, of course." I sigh. "Can we just go home?"

Carlisle nods and we go out to his Mercedes. He starts it up, and drives us home. Rosalie looks beyond annoyed. Her face softens as she sees me.

"It's cancer." I whimper before Rosalie hugs me.

"Well, Bella knows the secret." Rosalie whispers.

I wipe my eyes as I pull away. "How?"

"Edward exposed us when he followed her to Port Angeles, and she looked it up." Rosalie replies. "Go and get some rest, August."

I go upstairs, and change into some pajamas. Exhausted and fatigued, I clung into my very soft bed and go to sleep.

The mate of a major Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat