Four- Mountain People

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Quickly pulling my locker open I speedily shove my books inside and turn towards the inside of the brick red locker door. Pulling out the handful of pictures that I had thought to take with me this morning, I sort through them selecting the odd few that I wish to stick on my locker.

I choose two that contain me and Kaito. One of which he has his arm lazily around my shoulder, a bright pink party hat upon his dark head. This picture was 3 years ago at my 14th birthday party, back then he had yet to dye his hair and was sporting his dark brown locks. I smiled a little at the memory.

The other was of me and him at the beach, my eyes were closed tightly as water was splashed in my face. Kaito was grinning like a devil as he kicked the water towards me. At the time I was mad, but looking at it now it seems a pretty accurate representation of our friendship.

The last photo is of my parents. More precisely their wedding day. I remember it clearly, I was glad they decided to wait until after they had their first child to get married. They wanted me to be there to see it with my own eyes, and it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen.

I was broken from my thoughts by a tall girl who stood beside me. She was carrying an armful of posters as she smiled towards me. She seemed nice though she made me feel like a child stood next to her rather impressive height.

Hey, you're Varvara right? I just wanted to give you this poster. There's a school party in two weeks, they're normally pretty fun and lots of people go so it would be great if you came too!" She stated enthusiastically.

It would be a nice chance to socialise and possibly make new friends, or at least go with my current friends and get to know them better.

"That would be great actually, thank you." I reply, shooting her a smile as I take a poster from her grasp.

"Hey Var... Oh am I interrupting?" Akatsuki appears at my side as she looks between the girl and me. I shake my head with a smile, though I notice how the girls smile has vanished and she appears to be hiding the posters at this point. Why didn't she want Akatsuki to come?

"I'll be on my way. Bye Varvara." The tall girl turns on her heel and leaves briskly. What was that about?

"I just wanted to ask if you've seen Asashi, I needed to talk to him." Akatsuki inquires as she turns to me. For some reason her height doesn't make me feel like a child at all, despite the fact that she's much taller then the other girl.

"Sorry I've not seen him, maybe he went to the courts with Dakra?" I reply, remember how Dakra likes to practise basketball before class.

She nods and shoots me a smile before turning and leaving. Now alone, my thoughts travel back to the poster still in my grasp. The party is the week after the next on a Saturday, I'll hopefully go but only if Kaito agrees to it.

"What's up dog breath?"

Speak of the devil.

"That's getting pretty old Kaito." I roll my eyes as I reply.

He smiles cheekily towards me as he leans against my locker, he examines the photos now pinned to my locker door seemingly deep in thought.

"By the way I have an idea for what we can do later. It will be fun I promise!" He says hopefully.

"You also said ice skating would be fun." I deadpan to him.

"And it was!" He replies cheerily.

I simply hold up my left pointer finger that has a scar running through the tip of it. He bursts out laughing at that.

What a caring friend.

  »»----- ♡ -----««     

As soon as I open the door I'm grabbed by the forearm and yanked in. My yell is muffled by a colossal force ramming into me.

"What the-" I begin.

"Language Var! Jesus, there's probably kids around here!" Kaito says as he still hugs me. He continues to rant at me, "Do you know how worried I was? Where were you Hmm? Where? Oh my god you got food, didn't you? You didn't even get any for me! Oh you little..."

Still slightly confused I step back from his death hug and look up at him bewildered. "We can get more food..." I say slightly unsure. He simply shakes his head and shoves some walking shoes towards me. Okay then.

Slipping the shoes on I follow Kaito out of the door. He takes my forearm gently and pulls me along with him. As we walk he begins talking in an excited tone, "So you know those giant mountains?" He asks. I simply nod in reply. "Well turns out their's a path that you can climb all the way up, there's a cute little house up there that people hang out at sometimes so I figured we could go and see it ourselves!" He finishes with a smile.

I shake my head at his antics, lets hope I don't break my neck.

Or lose another finger.

We find ourselves walking not on pavement, but on light coloured dirt. This isn't so bad. If it's like this all the way up then I should be fine...

  »»----- ♡ -----««     

"Hurry up!" Kaito's voice is heard from above me.

I groan as I continue to climb the practically vertical mountain face. Who in their right mind would climb this. Why. Just why.

Oh right. Kaito. And he's not in his right mind.

"It's about time. I thought some mountain people came and carried you off or something." Kaito's condescending voice floats towards me. I roll my eyes in return, too tired to argue with the idiot.

The house in front of us is nothing less then lovely. It's stationed between two gigantic mountains, looking up I see a rickety bridge far above us connecting the two mountain tops. Returning my gaze to the house I take in it's rustic state. It looks perfect here.

Kaito jumps on top of a greying rock and begins reciting a familiar Disney tune. Idiot. I pull myself on top of the low roof and begin climbing towards the top where a chimney is stationed, sitting down on the flat top I look out towards the city.

I guess the climb was worth it.

The sun bleeds onto the horizon in beautiful reds and yellows, an orange glow cast onto the dyeing sky. The city looks so small from here, I can just about see the gas station where tiny dots I assume to be people stand in their groups.

Kaito settles beside me as we look outwards to the beautiful sight.

"Remember when we used to do this all the time, Kaito?" I whisper not wanting to break the perfect moment.

He nods a slightly. "It doesn't seem like anything has changed... But everything has." He whispers back, turning towards me. His beautiful grey eyes look silver in the half light.

Before I can speak he continues, "I want you to know though, that no matter what happens and how much we change. Hell, how much the world changes. I'll always be there for you Var. You say it and I'm there." His voice is heavy and strong now as he says this to me.

Something confusing bubbles in my chest. Don't do this to me Kaito. If my heart beats any faster then it might break.

"What are best friends for?" He asks me.

Best friends.

"I love you." I say.

Though it comes out as a silent smile.

  »»----- ♡ -----«« 

Hope you enjoyed it. I'd really like some advice on my writing, I feel like I'm not doing as good as I think? 

But yeah I was thinking after I write a few more chapters I'd enter the Watty's?? 

Next time guys,


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