Two- We Need Food

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The tall building made of a prodomenantly white material looks daunting as Kaito, who is clutching onto my forearm, pulls me towards it. Noting the curious gazes of students that are scattered around the courtyard, some conversing with friends near a central water fountain, others drawing or reading on perfectly parralel benches.

I clutch onto the gate that is seperating me from my undeniable doom.

"On second thoughts, I don't think I'm ready for school. Maybe next year." With that I swing around and attempt to speed my way through the gate I entered less then 30 seconds ago. Sonic give me strength.

Of course Kaito, the heartless demon he is, once again clutches my arm and spins me around.

"It's not that bad Var, even with you being... You, you'll still make friends." Kaito replies with a playful grin, though I don't miss the quiet 'probably' he mutters after.

Shooting him a mock glare I march towards the school, Kaito on my heels as I go. I can't help but take note of the attention I've already gained from other students.

"What are they looking at?" I question Kaito.

"Probably you, if you saw a walking talking monkey you would stare too. Hence you never invested in a mirror." He snickers at his own joke. Wow Kaito that's a new level of low.

"Shut it." Is my amazingly intelligent comeback.

The school itself is a beautiful building, it's the perfect mix of modern and nature. With tall winding cherry blossoms and perfectly trimmed fields, it appears a perfect picture.

As we enter the school the stares increase, only furthering my discomfort. Kaito notices and slips his hand into mine, giving a reassuring squeeze. I smile up at him gratefully, but he seems distracted on getting to the front desk. As we arrive there Kaito clears his throat slightly, the disintersted girl behind the desk looks up slightly smiling widely at Kaito.

"Hey Kaito, can I help?" She asks enthusiastically. Well then...

"Yeah, Varvara needs her timetable and locker number." He tugs me forward slightly as he mentions my name.

The girl is pretty, with long dark hair and perfectly tanned skin. She'd be prettier if her face wasn't caked in makeup, even though it was applied nicely. Her light brown eyes narrow as she looks me over, she flicks her hair behind her shoulder before looking back to Kaito and plastering a large smile back on her face.

"I actually asked what I can do for you... But alright." I don't miss the edge to her voice.

"How about I rip out your obvious fake extensions for you huh..." I mutter lowly so she can't hear. Kaito obviously hears as he snickers a little but covers it slightly with a cough, though the girl obviously noticed.

"Excuse me?" She glares daggers at me as she says this.

"You're excused." I return with a smirk.

Obviously beaten, she slams down a sticky note with a scribble of numbers, along with a paper with my classes.

"Thankyou, though less attitude would have been nice. No tip for you."

Before she can open her mouth with another reply I take Kaito's hand again and pull him away.

"And hear I was thinking I was going to witness a cat fight..." He sighs in fake distress. Rolling my eyes I slap his chests lightly.

"Oh sorry... I meant dog fight."

I slap his chest again. Harder.


»»----- ♡ -----««

Flopping down on the comfortable chair, my short legs hanging over one end, I groan loudly.

"What was that Chewbacca?" Kaito's voice floats from the kitchen.

Rolling my eyes I jump up from the chair joining Kaito in the kitchen. Swinging open the fridge, only to find a completely empty space, I growl moodily.

"Down girl." Kaito pats my head roughly, standing back as I swing towards his arm.


Has no one informed him not to mess with me when I'm hungry?

"We need food." I state.

"I do believe it's a neccecity to all living and breathing beings."

I raise my fist again.

Rolling his eyes he takes my arm and drags me towards the front door. Exiting the house we walk down the path that separates two large groups of similar looking houses.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we walk.

"You wanted food? I deliver. Kaito's the name, food is the game." Kaito replies cheekily.

I don't question his strange self for the rest of the walk.

We soon arrive at a strange gas station. The building itself is very large to be a gas station, and there are an oddly large amount of people hanging around the area, some stand off to the side in large groups, while others simply sit on the grass verge in small groups or alone. Most spare us a glance as we make our way to the entrance. I can't help but take note that barely any people here are blonde like I am. And those who are appear to have dyed it like Kaito.

As we enter the shop I'm slightly confused to see it's similar to a small food store, multiple isles filling the room.

Kaito grabs almost anything and everything we see as we walk down the isles. Well I walk and he sprints most of the time.

He looks like an overgrown child in a candy store.

"Do we really need that much... I said I was hungry... Not the whole of Europe was hungry." I trail off slightly.

"Shut it. I'm a growing boy, okay?" Kaito replies with arm fulls of food.

I roll my eyes and take a seat on a chair near the exit. I guess I'd sit and wait as he has his fun. Observing the store I catch the gaze of a tall boy watching me from accros the room, he has dark hair and dark eyes with very pale skin; almost as pale as mine. I scrunch my eyebrows together and mouth 'what' to him. He simply smirks and walks away.

Slightly unnerved but attempting to not think of the situation, I tap Kaito on the shoulder as he approaches the counter.

"I'll wait outside, it's sorta warm." I say as he turns towards me.

"Alright, I forgot you're not allowed to take pets in here anyways." He replies as he nudges me with his elbow.

I laugh slightly as I exit the store. Multiple eyes dart towards me as I lean against the wall, is it because I'm new? I hope whatever this is dies down soon. I see the boy that I caught staring at me with a group of other boys. All appear tall and muscled, they give the typical bad boy vibe, they seem dangerous.

The boy says something to his friends and they all turn and look towards me. What the heck?

Saved by the idiot, Kaito comes out of the store with arm fulls of bags. I take a few bags from him before curiosity gets the better of me and I ask "Who are those guys?" and nudge my head in their direction.

He scans the area before his grey eyes settle on the group of boys, a scowl forming on his lips.

"Stay away from those guys, you hear me Var? I don't want you getting hurt." He pulls me towards him a little, as he looks down at me. I can't help but smile.

"If you say so. I only wanted to know because one guy kept looking at me."

He nods a little, before taking my hand in his and swinging it as we make our way home.

Though I still can't help but wonder.

Who is that guy?

»»----- ♡ -----««

Two chapters one day?

Well since it took a while I figured I'd upload both immediately because I don't wanna keep you guys waiting.

I hope you enjoyed it guys,


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