Twelve- The sweet smell of Progress

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Go follow @Vuoski she's a fabulous person and is gonna start working on a pretty abstract book soon!

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I yawn a little as I spin in the combination for my locker, I proceed to shove my books onto the locker at a zombie like pace. I lay awake for hours last night simply thinking over everything that has happened in the past few weeks, Japan sure brought a lot of new adventures.

"You should give up, it's pitiful." A sharp voice cuts from my left. My head snaps to the side as my eyes meet with Sayaki's, her pretty face contorted into an ugly sneer.

"What exactly am I giving up?" I question completely and utterly confused.

"Don't act dumb. He'll never go for you, you're just a sad little orphan aren't you?"

Cold runs down my back like an ice cold bucket of water was just thrown on me. She seems satisfied with my reaction as she smiles smugly, I want to kill her. How the hell does she know?

"Do you still cry? Well of course... It wasn't that long ago was it? Did you see it? Did you even try and help? I bet not... Such a coward aren't you-"

"That will be enough Sayaki." Jigoku's towering frame steps between us, she looks up to him for a few seconds seemingly debating what to do, she makes the right decision and spins on her heel before leaving Jigoku and I to stand there.

I'll kill her.

"Don't listen to her Var, she's obviously wanting a reaction. Please trust me on this, don't go after her. No good will come of it, you're already at risk..." He trails off into a whisper only low enough for me to hear at the end of his sentence. Why is everyone being so cryptic?

Before I can ask, he spins around quickly and leaves me stood their, my mind working over time attempting to make sense of the whole scenario.

Shortly after the bell rings and I'm off to my first lesson, English literature. I share this lesson with Shiina, Dakra, Sora and Kaito. Akatsuki and Asashi are suffering through an hour and a half of high level maths right now.

I slide into my seat that sits between Sora and Shiina's desks, Dakra is sat behind me and Kaito in front. As soon as I sit down, Kaito turns turns in his seat and gives me his heart stopping smile which I immediately return.

"What colour is your dress?" He asks me. Oh right, the party. I feel giddy at the prospect of dancing with kaito, would he want to dance? Or will he be busy dancing with other girls?

"It's red." I reply shortly, he nods and turns back around in his seat. Shiina instantly catches my eye, her arms frantically flailing between me and Kaito. I know what she means, we're going together and I didn't tell her. Oh well...

I give a sheepish nod and shrug not sure what to say. Soon after, the teacher enters and the rooms falls quiet as he begins his long rant about literature.

As I'm scrawling down notes on my notepad, I feel something lightly hit the back of my head. I ignore it at first but as it continues, I swing around in my seat just as a piece of rubber hits me in the nose. Sora's snort can be heard as I glare towards Dakra who gives me his best innocent puppy face. Which isn't very innocent as the mischeif that shines in his eyes is clear as day.

I soon turn around in my seat and continue my notes. It's less then thirty seconds before I feel more pieces of rubber hitting the back of my head, though this time I choose to ignore it. That is until rounds of tiny balls of paper begin falling on my desk, the mini assault coming from Sora's direction.

"Will you quit it! Jesus!" I state loudly causing the teachers small rant to pause, his sharp beady eyes turning and glaring towards me. I instantly feel my cheeks redden as the teacher delivers a final glare before turning back to his papers, Dakra and Asashi's short burts of laughter quieting down at this point.

A Life Without LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora