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This is my destiny 
Don't smile on me
Light on me
Because I can't go to you
There's no name to call
———— 🌸 ————

I was just finishing my nightly routine when my phone rang. The back of the phone was facing me so I couldn't see who it was. My stomach twisted in disgust when thoughts of my relatives finally calling me came to my mind. I was hesitant to even pick my phone up but when I did, you could say I felt relieved, though I felt rather confused and stunned to see your name pop up.


"Your voice sounds better than how I thought it would," A smile automatically appeared on my face. You just have that effect on me.

"That was unexpected. Uh why are you calling? Wanna play overwatch?"

"Nah, I just felt like talking to you. We've known each other for months now but we never called each other. Besides, I want to hear the voice of my overwatch buddy."

"Just a heads up though, I'm not good at talking on the spot so I'm giving you five seconds to end the call."

"But I don't want to," I could see you pouting even though we're just talking. "Not after I heard your angelic voice."

"Stop that sheesh,"

"You're blushing aren't you?"

"I'm not psh keep dreaming,"

"Cute," then I heard it, your chuckle, and that just snapped me into reality again.

I was smiling but my tears were forming. You can't just do that. You can't just let me hear you laugh, it's forbidden. I'm not supposed to get attached to you because I know, in the end, I'll still be left alone. It's just my destiny. In the end, I'm just a nobody to you.

"Hello? You still there?"

"Oh sorry I—I gotta go"

"Huh? Why? Everything oka—" Call ended.

I'm sorry Jungkook. I'm sorry but I just can't go to you. I can't get attached.

Just like every other day, I curl into a ball and let the tears fall. Everything—everything is so sickening. I exist but at the same time I don't. I'm stuck in this empty, lonely house and no one cares. I have a name but at the same time there's no name to call me because no one knows and this is just how it is. This is my destiny.

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