Chapter 1~At least I don't sleep nude

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"What would have gave you that idea? Me in a over sized shirt and underwear or the fact it is one something in the morning?" I ask sarcastically and they laugh at that.

"I don't think it was either or those,"he jokes and his blue eyes jump back up to mine. His cheeks turn a light pink once he realizes I watched him check me out. I stick my tongue out and he chuckles.

"You two were the best of friends when you were younger." Tommy says.

"Can't kill a sandbox friendship," I say and he laughs.

"More like crib sharers," Lucy Jagger's mom says as she joins us.

"Yes it was wasn't it?" Jagger asks and pulls me in a side hug and then wrapping his arm around my waist. This isn't the kind of hug I was wanting but this is about s close as I'm going to get.

"I remember you pushing me out of the crib one time," I say and they all laugh.

"It was more than once," my mom says as she joins us too.

"I think I still have a scar," I say and point to a spot on my thigh.

" There is that one time you bite me," Jagger says and I remember. I was six and he took my food. You don't take kids food. He should know that by now.

"You don't take a kids food it's just cruel," I say and he chuckles and moves his arm.

"Well I must ask why don't you have pants on?" Jagger asks and my cheeks get hot.

"It is hot in the house and I was told it was important so I just ran out the door!" I say. Mom smiles again with that proud look.

"She isn't scarred to show off anymore!" Mom says pulling me into a weird half hug away from Jagger and dad growls at the comment.

"Why would she be?" Lucy asks.

"Oh you weren't here when it happened." She says lowering her head.

"Mom shut up," I say,my teeth clinched.


"Phil there has been a spotting," Bane Moot my fathers beta says.

"Send six," my dad says.

"Three of the Grey pack and three of the Black pack." Tommy says and Bane runs off.

"Are you sure Tommy?" My father asks uncertain.

"We need to work together." He says. I totally agree with him.

"Erin?" Mom says but I just stand there.

"Erin!" My father yells and I jump.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Will you show Jagger to the room across from yours?" My mom asks. No. Please just stab me.

"Yes mom," I say and hug her and my dad.

"Sweetie please put on some pants," my dad whispers in my ear. Really dad?

"At least I don't sleep nude!" I say and walk off. I look behind me and see Jagger running to my side.

"You are really Erin?" He asks still in denial. I mean come on Jagger.

"Yeah. Must I prove it to you?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says and I slow my pace.

"How?" I ask and hope he doesn't want to see the birthmark under my boob. That would just be a no.

"First kiss?" He asks and I let out a sigh of worry.

"Me. We were twelve and we were at the cove." I say and he laughs.

"You look different," he says and picks up a strand of knotted white-blonde hair.

"So do you," I say and he drops the hair. He looks away.

" Are the rumours true? Are you really the fastest thing on four legs?"

"Of course," I half lie. No knows any more because I haven't shifted in two years!

"Jagger! What up my alpha!" A boy yells running up to us. He is tall and buff. He has dark brown hair and light brown eyes.

"Veneer," Jagger says. The boy Veneer stops in front of us and his eyes travel down my body and slowly back up and he smiles.

"Are you hungry?" I ask Jagger.

"Nah,you have big deer here,"he says. Like I would know!

"Okay." I say and walk him in the house and upstairs.

"What was your mother talking about earlier?" He asks as we stop in front of his door.

"Nothing," I say and open the door,"my room is across the hall if you need anything Jagger." I add and walk to my door.

"Erin why won't you tell me?" He asks and moves in front of me. His eyes turn gold and I laugh.

"Alpha stuff doesn't work on me I hope you know." I say and his eyes change back to blue.

"Then tell me!" He says. Demanding isn't helpful.

"When I can fully trust you I might tell you,"I say and he smiles.

"You haven't changed much have you?" He asks. No not really.

"Good night Jagger," I say.

"No night kiss?" He asks. When we were younger he would ask me every night for one but I always kissed his cheek.So I walk to him and stand on my toes and I kiss his cheek."You haven't changed. Always the cheek." He says and goes to his room. I shut the door and I smell another person. I flip on the light and Srick in sitting on my bed and he walks to me.

"Be prepared for anything soon." He says and walks out. What? Creep much?

"That couldn't wait till morning." I mutter to myself and climb back into my bed. I listen to the noises that send me in a deep but light sleep.

The Wolves of Crystal Coveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن