Chapter 12

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A/N so I started summer school today and I have 12 days left so I'll try to update. I love you guys and enjoy this chapter even tho it kinda sucks. Xx


Lauren and I have been together for a month. And tomorrow is our 1 month anniversary. I got her present a week ago but I'm picking it up today.

"So you know what tomorrow is?" Lauren asked throwing herself on the couch next to me and intertwining our fingers together.

"Umm I don't know it's your birthday right" I lied and she punched my arm. "Ow! Babe I'm kidding of course our anniversary" I smiled

"Doesn't even feel like a month" Lauren told me.

"I know and honestly I've never been this happy"

"I'm glad you're happy" Lauren smiled.

"You make me happy" I said leaning in to kiss her lips. They were about to meet when someone cleared their throat. We pulled away and looked up. We saw Katherine standing their giving me a death glare. Yeahhhh she still doesn't like me if you haven't noticed.

"Sorry" Lauren said shyly. Oh god she's so adorable!

"Whatever" Kath muttered under her breath and walked into the kitchen.

"Lo I should get going" I said standing up but Lauren grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down.

"Nooo please stay" Lauren said and gave me her puppy dog eyes. No no no not the eyes don't fall for it Kayla!

"I can't Laur I gotta film a cover" I informed her.

"Then can I come I haven't seen you film one that's edited. Pleeeeeeeese" she begged.

"If you want to"



"So what song are you singing" Lauren asked me as we walked around Venice beach.

"Boom Clap by Charli XCX" I told her. "Okay let's film here" I said stopping around the trees that have a bunch of graffiti on the trunks of them. "And thanks for doing this babe. Jason couldn't help because hes at band rehearsal late"

"I'm glad to help cutie" Lauren said and pecked my lips.


"JASON!!" I yelled and he came into my room.

"What?" He asked me.

"I need you to pick up something for me at the jewelry store at the mall" I told him not taking my eyes off my computer screen editing the video.

"Yea sure"

I gave him the pick up paper then he left.

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