Chapter I: Warm Welcoming

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The door slammed behind me, and I quickly spun around to hit it with my fists. "I'm not crazy! Let me out, I don't belong here!" I shouted.

There was no reply. At least, not from the outside. A bone chilling laugh echoed through the dirty room. I looked around for a source as it menacingly whispered, "We're all mad, here."

"Who's there?" I asked aloud, suddenly quivering in my voice.

I tried to tell myself I wasn't utterly terrified, but the way my heart raced just proved me to be a liar. The only answer I got to my question was another laugh. This one felt even more maniacal than the last.

There was a feeling of lifelessness in these halls. Like all hope had been drained long ago, coupled with a fear in faith. I warily began walking, hoping to find someone, anyone. I'd even take an inmate, but sanity is preferred.

As I walked, I attempted to sort myself out. I've been put in an asylum. More so, shoved in without a choice to leave, or even a way to escape. Why would father do this to me? I am not crazy! At least, I don't think I am.

When I turned the corner, I realized I had arrived at the first block of patient rooms. They looked more like cells than rooms. Then there was that rattling laugh again! Fuck, I'm at a psycho's doorstep.

I took a slow step towards the open room it seemed to be coming out of. There was a shadow dancing on the wall from where I could see. Eventually I worked up enough nerve to be inside the doorframe, looking at a maniac like he was a monkey in a zoo.

He had some shaggy hair, and he smelled like liquor. A few tattoos ran along his thin arms that couldn't stop writing. Finally he slammed down his pen and stood from his chair, not bothering to turn around.

"Annabelle, is it?" He asked, glaring at my reflection in his broken mirror.

My eyes grew at what either was a stalker or a lucky guess. "How did you- You know what, never mind. Call me Slayer, everyone else does."

He snit with a cunning smile on his face. "Welcome to the mad house. Can I get you something to drink?"

I was about to reply, but then my heart skipped a beat as I sudden felt a hand over my mouth. The person yanked me into their grasp as I struggled, trying my damnedest to get away.

It was then, looking at the evil man in front of me, I realized my attacker had more than their hand over my mouth. With one last deep breath, I saw it all fade to black.









Thud, thud

Thud, thud, thud

"Shit." I muttered to myself as I woke, grabbing my pounding head.

Looking up, I cringed as a bright light hit my eyes. It was suddenly turned away, and I heard the sound of an office chair, or something of the type, running across the floor.

I laid my head back down on some sort of makeshift bed I seemed to be on. A man suddenly hovered over me, with his arms folded over the back of the chair. Something in me told me he wasn't the one that attacked me, and I could trust him.

"I'm sorry, Dex gets a little trigger happy when we get newbies." He softly said.

Thank God he was speaking at a low decimal. I don't think my head could take it any louder. Of course, that's when someone decided to come in. The door slammed against the wall with great force, making me flinch out of pain.

The original man sighed. "Nova, would you mind having a little fucking manors?"

"Ah, fuck you, Sly." He snarled as he walked over to me.

This one terrified me. His eyes were pure red, and his K9 teeth, sharp as a shark's. He leaned over me, and yanked me up by the front of my shirt. Nova forced me to turn my head right, then left, then let go of me to fall.

"You can keep this one. She's a little more your speed." He scoffed, then walked out the door, slamming it behind him.

I grabbed my head again, curling up into a little ball. "Why are you here?" I whispered. "You have sanity."

"No, I don't." Sly responded. "We're all mad here."

Long Way To Happy {The Creatures AU}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt