"Quit lying to me, otoutou." Itachi snarled as he pummeled Sasuke to the hard ground. Itachi punched Sasuke hard before choking him against the wall, "Tell me the truth, I will know if you are lying."

"T-they k-kissed.. at the forest.. during the clan gathering while you.. w-were having the discussion with.. the elders.." Sasuke gasped through Itachi's choke hold. Itachi quickly released his Brother.

"You should have told me that earlier." Itachi exclaimed quietly before he sauntered off to find Tenten.

"What are you thinking about Sasuke?" Sakura asked the younger Uchihaa.

"What would you do, if I tell you, that Tenten might be in serious trouble?" Sasuke asked Sakura seriously.

"I would want to help." Sakura replied firmly, she was surprised by the question, but this came from Sasuke and he never joked about.

"Then we don't have much time. Izumi-San? Are you coming along?" Sasuke asked the dark haired woman next to him whom simply nodded as the trio left the house and dashed through the rain.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tenten was at her limits, she could only withstand the mangekyou for so Long, but she persisted on, dispelling genjutsu while simultaneously shooting out a barrage of weapons to Itachi. One of her weapons managed to land an accurate hit on his torso. Tenten heard Itachi grunted in pain.

"I got him." Tenten thought inwardly, but within seconds, Itachi was behind her, he made quick hand seals before he yelled out "Katon..." at the precise moment Tenten heard Itachi yelled out in pain, she turned to see that Neji had jyuuken him straight towards a tree.

"Neji!" Tenten cried out in disbelief. "You are alive!"

"I shall not perish in the hands of a deranged Uchihaa." Neji said out calmly.

Itachi's growl was evident from the tree above them, he was furious. Tenten sounded relieved and ecstatic to see Neji alive and well, while she showed no sadness as he was being slammed into a tree. He got up and looked at the duo, Tenten had a look of pure malice on her face, she stood in front of Neji and spread open her arms wide.

"You will not hurt him. That is enough." Tenten yelled out towards him.

"I will be the one to decide when it's over, Tenten. I will finish him and put you in a permanent genjutsu to forget about him. I will determine how you think from now on. Your memory will cease to exist..." Itachi started but was cut short by another voice.

"The day you brought me into the Uchihaa compound, you told me to be myself and not worry about the minds of the other Uchihaa members. You said that no one can determine how others should think like. You hated the clan for forcing you to do things that you detested, but here you are, hurting the one person who had done nothing wrong to you." Izumi's voice surfaced.

Itachi looked up towards her, eyes shocked in realisation.

"But- She's mine.. I need to eliminate unwanted extras in our lives to ensure a happy ever after.." Itachi countered stubbornly but was interrupted by another voice.

"Aniki. Look at Tenten." Sasuke remarked, "Does she look happy?"

Itachi's face shifted towards his fiancé, her hands were still outstretched defensively, preventing Itachi from hurting the Hyuuga prodigy. Tenten's entire face was filled with bruises, blood was tricking down her abdomen but above all, she looked extremely furious at Itachi, pure hatred towards the Uchihaa was evident. Itachi's mangekyou slowly diminished leaving his eyesight, his eyes turned back to its original coal black colour. He fell in love with her because she was the one who could make him feel happy, secure, safe. She was the person who anchored him down, who gave him everything he wanted, but he took complete advantage of it. He abused her love, hurt her, took away her freedom. If he had to resort to all those means to get her meant that she was never his to begin with.

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