The Proposal

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"The academy is facing a WHAT?!" Iruka yelled out ominously.

"A crisis. Yes. Keep your pants on will you? This is no time to panic. We need some strategic planning to fall into place before the Hokage decides to forfeit further funding from the academy." Jun sighed wearily.

Iruka could not believe his ears, not only did the academy performed badly for the recent curriculum audit but it also did not meet the health and safety renewal licensing criteria. Things were escalating at an entirely horrific level.

"Now is the time, for us to put forth the plan in motion." Daichi exclaimed.

Iruka raised an eyebrow, his thought lingered onto the possibility of the plan that they have discussed weeks ago while they were drunk on Sake. Surely, Daichi was not referring to that ridiculous plan?

"If you are referring to that absurd plan of yours we might as well.." Iruka started but was cut short by Jun.

"Iruka, think about it man. It will increase the students' concentration. Their minds will be more focused if they have additional lessons. They will need not worry much about spending transportation or food while they are at it. It will all be catered for! We need to boost the number of successful graduants right? This is what we need to do!" Jun reasoned.

Iruka closed his eyes as he thought about the possibilities of introducing dormitory facilities to the children of the academy. It does sound silly, given the fact that the Hidden Leaf Village is not exactly huge. But the children have been portraying irresponsible behaviours while they were away from the academy. The influence on negative social resources by some of the obnoxious students, were spreading throughout the academy like wild fire. This caused a decline in the number of success rate in students. The only way to 'protect' the new batch of students from these negativity is to 'prevent' them from mixing with the wrong crowd. To set this plan in motion, they needed to monitor the students, giving them more teaching/training time while being facilitated closely. That was what made them come with this abrupt idea.

"The fees will have to increase. Entrance exams will be tougher. Not to mention the number of working hours each staff needs to clock in will increase and be split into rotating shifts. Do you think everyone is up for this?" Iruka questioned his two colleagues.




Came the simultaneous reply by the staff.

An evident anime vein can be seen on Iruka's temple.

Half of the staff have voted for it while the other half were voting against it. Iruka was not sure where this will lead.

Iruka cleared his throat before he raised the question, "Okay, those who oppose, kindly state your reasons."

"Shifts! Rotational shifts? We have to now babysit those brats the whole day now? I have had enough of being with them for a few hours!" Reiki exclaimed.

"As it was mentioned earlier, Reiki, the definition of rotational shifts is; to take turns looking after the students. You will not be looking after them for 24 hours." Daichi mused in a rather annoyed tone.

The meeting went on, some were screaming about human rights while the ones who agreed reasoned the benefits of this new development. This went on until the Hokage; Hiruzen entered the room.

The room fell silent as he walked towards the front of the room.

He continued smoking his pipe as he spoke, "I heard the curriculum audit did not go well."

All of the staff flinched some looked aghast, they were wondering how he found out of this news so quickly.

Hiruzen continued, "On top of that, I heard that we flunked the health and safety licensing."

As he said those words, the staff felt like they were slapped across the faces with those very words of his.

"I could forfeit the excessive funding of the academy because of its failure in producing successful graduants as a punishment..." Hiruzen started, this was followed through by a wave of gasps throughout the entire room.

"...Or... we could do something about it..." Hiruzen suggested rationally.


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