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Tenten dreamt that she was drowning in a sea of calamine lotion, she tried to swim out of it but with no success, the oily lotion was stuck permanently to her skin. She tried to rub it off but it only made it worse, she tried to cry out, but only a strangled voice escaped her lips before she was engulfed in the sea of calamine lotion.

She yelled as she got up from her lying position. She was seated on a hard wet surface, she looked around to find herself in a dark cave. She touched her arms and her fingers slipped against the oily texture. She gasped before she let out another yell when she heard someone spoke.

"Yes, continue yelling like that lest allowing us to be trampled to death by a deranged, elephant-sized bear who could apparently spit fire. I saw with my byakugan, he is now extremely angry, burnt half of the island.." Neji exclaimed before he was interrupted by Tenten.

"Why am I covered in calamine lotion?! And where are my clothes?!" Tenten yelled horrifically before she turned her body to only face the back of Neji's head. It suddenly came back to her, poison ivy, running away from a gigantic bear, feeling herself being grabbed from the back by the arms of strong person..She paused as she realised one crucial thing..

"Y-You removed my clothings and applied the lotion.." Tenten started but was interrupted by Neji's snapping voice.

"Hey! It was not like I wanted to! You looked like a damn puffer fish! I tried my best not to look okay?" Neji said, his back was still facing her.

"Thank you Neji." Tenten said clearly.

She had used his name, instead of his surname and it sounded magical in his ears. It was as if she was acknowledging him at a personal level rather than a regular roommate or teammate, it literally sent shivers down his spine. He smiled as soon as she said out his name.

"So where are we?" Tenten asked him quietly.

"In an underwater cave, found it with my byakugan. We will be safe for now, until we run out air. The air pockets here will not last long due to the restricted space.." Neji explained before his voice trailed off upon hearing a huge blast coming out from above them.

"Hyuuga!" Tenten yelled in panic.

"I know, byakugan!" Neji replied as he looked at what was happening above ground. What he saw puzzled him, the bear was apparently fighting ~ nothing. It was deflecting invisible objects angrily, before it did a somersault to counter attack nothing in particular, it was however engulfed in black and purple deadly flames. Neji raised his eyebrows.

"It couldn't be.." Neji thought inwardly.

Neji shifted his glance towards 50 metres away from the scene and he saw; Uchihaa Itachi, sharingan activated, although this time, his sharingan looked different than usual, it was three spiralling curves around the pupil. He had trapped the monster in his genjutsu.

"That was amaterasu I am certain. And this must be the mangekyou. But it could only be activated when an Uchihaa had witnessed a traumatising death.." Neji thought inwardly before his attention was snapped towards the jaws of the bear. It had somehow managed to grab onto Tenten's backpack which was filled with blood.

"He thinks she is dead.." Neji thought in shock.

Neji saw blood slowly trickling down Itachi's eyes as he casted his illusions on the bear before it slowly collapsed in exhaustion. Itachi slowly kneeled down from where he stood and grabbed onto Tenten's bloodied backpack that lay neglected on the ground. He held it firmly against his chest.

"What's happening, Hyuuga?" Tenten asked him curiously.

"We have to stop that psychopath from killing everything in his path." Neji sighed before he turned towards Tenten. He was met with a worried look on her face, his eyes traveled downwards towards her body which made him blush; he forgot that she was still only in her underwear and she had no extra clothes. The mutant bear had consumed her backpack with her other scrolls.

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