Maito Gai

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Neji and Tenten arrived late for the first day of class. Tenten was breathless from walking an entire football field to get to class, but Neji was the next face of a popular magazine cover. Not a single hair was out of place, his face was calm and composed as he took a seat in the classroom. Tenten looked around the class, she wanted to sit anywhere, that was not next to Neji. She could not take it anymore. Behind that delicious physique and handsome face, was an arrogant douchebag. Granted, he did stand up for the right things and was intelligent for his own good,but he was too uptight; always degrading others, as if they were unworthy of his royal presence. And the way he talks, who talks like that? Tenten secretly felt inferior to him, not that she would reveal it at all and she hated that feeling. Anko used to tell her, "Tenten, never make yourself feel inferior to others, no matter who or what they make out to be. Even if you are going to die under their hands, die a dignified death by showing them who's boss."

"Well? Are you going to keep standing there? Or are you going to sit?" The teacher barked at her.

A few teen girls giggled as she held the back of her head and chuckled nervously. She finally found a seat next to a green-eyed girl with pink hair who was seated alone.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" Tenten asked her quietly, the pinkette shook her head as she looked shyly away from Tenten.

"So.. You will still be having your theoretical lessons with me every morning before you go off to your assigned Jounin Instructors for the rest of the afternoon. Got it?" Iruka asked the class. "Now I shall call you out in a three-men squad and assign you to your instructor."

Iruka called the names of different students who were teamed with a respectable looking Jounin. He then called Sakura-the girl who was seated next to Tenten, she waved off shyly as Tenten saluted her with a gentle smile. Her teammates were, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchihaa Sasuke. Their instructor; looked super cool and mysterious. He had a mask covering half of his face, an uninterested look and messy spiked up silver hair- Hatake Kakashi. The same man Tenten and Anko had annoyed before; using their transformation jutsu.

Tenten waited patiently for her teammates names to be called out, "Takagi Teiji, Rock Lee.." Tenten yelped in happiness but it soon died down when she heard the third member's name, ".. Hyuuga Neji"

Her groan became much more significant when she saw their instructor; Maito Gai. Gai was gleaming from head to toe in a green-coloured, tight latex, one-piece spandex. He wore yellow leg warmers to complete the inhuman look ; which could possibly cure someone of their hereditary colour-blindness. If that was not enough, his prominent bowl cut hair and fuzzy brows determined Tenten's suspicions of him being a single man. Tenten could sense Neji's discomfort as well. He eyed the man from head to toe before making a disgruntled face. Only Lee looked unperturbed, excited even. Their nightmares were about to escalate to greater heights when they were suddenly enveloped in a bear hug.

"Look at you three!!! The embodiment of youth itself is firing within your very souls! Now get out there and give me a 100 push ups!" Gai yelled ecstatically.


After 5 hours of gruelling and intense session of sparring, 100 laps of running around Konoha, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups and the worst; 1 hour's worth of lecture of the benefits of latex spandex, were they finally allowed to rest. Tenten was seen lying sprawled on the training grounds. Neji, even though he was exhausted, was resting elegantly, he was resting in a seated position, leaning against the bark of a tree for support where else Lee, decided to push himself harder by running an additional 50 laps with their crazy instructor.

When Lee and Gai finally arrived, Gai announced, "Yosh! We will have our first team dinner to commemorate our first training session together! My treat! Let's go team!"

Gai had to literally force Neji's reluctant body away from the bark of the tree while Lee had to piggyback Tenten towards the restaurant. It was a decently quiet place, much to Tenten's pleasure, she would not want to be caught dead in the presence of others in her current sweaty state. Neji entered the slide-in booth first before Lee deposited her gently next to Neji.

"Okay team! What's it going to be?!" Gai asked his team enthusiastically as he shoved the menus against Neji's and Tenten's faces.

Under normal circumstances, Tenten was pretty sure that Neji would karate chop Gai on the neck. But because of his exhaustion, he allowed it to slide as he mumbled, "Herring Soba, non spicy." Before shoving the menu to the side with too much force that it literally flew out of the restaurant window.

Instead of being upset with his unreasonable behaviour, Gai laughed heartily and exclaimed, "You poses an enthusiastic strength, Neji! I should do the same!" And with that, Gai threw the salt shaker out of the window, it landed distinctively on top of a passerby's head. The passerby screamed out in pain before storming into the restaurant to approach them.

"Ah. I see someone is sporting enough to return me the salt shaker." Gai exclaimed.

"Now you did it, Neji. You just unleashed his crazy side!" Tenten muttered under her breath towards Neji.

"Crazy side?! Then what side have we been exposed to earlier today? The human side of Gai?!" Neji hissed vehemently under his breath but stopped when a lady stood in front of their booth.

"Now which of you lunatics just threw a salt shaker at my head?!" The lady spat.

Tenten, who was covering her face, recognised the voice and immediately looked up towards Anko.

Neji promptly pointed a finger towards Gai, "He did it."

Anko glared at Gai but stopped as she saw Tenten in her teenage boy henge form. Anko smirked quietly at Tenten before she turned her attention towards Gai again, "Gai! I should have known! What is it with you and inviting others to a one-on-one match?! You have already annoyed the crap out of Kakashi, now you are trying it out on me too?! By using a salt shaker? Seriously Gai?!"

"Ah, Anko-San. I was merely expressing my enthusiasm through reflecting what my dearest student did a little while ago. I didn't mean to hit you squarely on the head with it." Gai apologised before he smiled showing his gleaming white teeth in the process.

"Ugh! That's not even an apology! I will call it quits if you allow me to speak with my nephew in private." Anko proposed.

"Your nephew?" Gai repeated questioningly but stopped when Anko pointed towards Tenten.

"Teiji is your nephew?!" Gai cried incredulously, he looked at Teiji intently before he focused his gaze onto Anko.

"And just what are you trying to do?!" Anko yelled exasperatedly.

"I am trying to see the resemblance between the two of you. Can't see it at all." Gai mused before he was thumped on the head hard by Anko.

"He is my nephew ! You idiot! Not my son! He does not even need to resemble me! Now can I have a private word with him?!" Anko was yelling loudly now.

Gai shook his head and made disapproving clicking noises, "Sorry Anko, rules prohibits students to meet their relatives until the end of the week. So technically, you are already breaking the rule here.."

"Fine! Then I will talk to him here, in your presence. Hey Teiji, you took the wrong backpack. You took my mission backpack by accident. Do you mind taking out my bras and thongs? The one with red laced see-through.." Anko started before Gai raised a hand to shut her up.

Neji interrupted Anko as he muttered under his breath, "Allow them to speak outside, Gai-Sensei, my ears still hurt from the spandex speech that you gave us earlier."

"Two minutes Anko. Now out you go." Gai exclaimed shakily, his nose had already started bleeding as soon as Anko described her underwear.


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