
2.2K 40 1


28 15 160
posts followers following

Jennie is my bff ❤ I'm 21 years old and I love dancing



1486 1.6m 11
posts followers following

chaeyoung park
- 21 y/o
-freelance vocalist🎤
-jisoo is my bae 💕
-love my 1.6m



520 3248 1062
posts followers following

Jennie Kim
~ty 3.2k bb 💕
~loves rapping, singing and dancing
~no fashion no life 😍
~blow candles on 16 January 🎂



385 620.3k 2261
posts followers following

hi jisoo here
You can criticise me as much as you want but I won't care, becuz I know I'm weird ;)
A 23 year old freelance vocalist who enjoys life with her bae @rosiepark


Their ages are based on their international age and let's pretend jenlisa and chaesoo don't know each other.

instagram | chaelisaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang