"I wear them..." she faded, trying to come up with a reason behind her wardrobe choice. "I just happened to wear them on the days I have Advance Potions. Tell Althea to keep her eyes off me. I'm not going to sleep with her."

"Trust me," he stepped forward. "Thea isn't the one who wants to sleep with you. And if you ever pull anything like what you just did in the store, I'll take it as consent to treat you as mine. Which I don't think you'd want if you're saving yourself for that little Ravenclaw boy."

She was so confused. He was angry she acted as if they were dating, yet he was saying he would...treat her as if she was his?

The infamous Slytherin was a walking paradox. 


After using the floo powder in the hotel room to return to the school's front gates, Rose and Scorpius handed over the items in the charmed bag to McGonagall.

"Oh thank you," she smiled. "I hope these items weren't too difficult to obtain?"

Her and Scorpius met each other's eyes before Scorpius responded. "No problem at all."

"Good, good. Twenty points will be awarded to both of your houses for your assistance. Again, I do apologize for asking this of you two."

"Please, Headmistress McGonagall, it's really fine. Like Scorpius said, it's the least we as Heads can do." 

The doors swung open, a signal for them to make their exit from her office.

They both climbed down the steps and turned the corner.

Rose lost her breath when she saw the scene before her.

Lysander was kissing someone, someone who plastered on his front like white on rice. She couldn't make out who, only saw a flash of auburn hair and the culprit's arms on his waist, his cupping her jaw. Her mind went blank.

"Oh Godric," she gasped.

Scorpius stopped too, following her eyes to the scene. He looked back at her. She didn't realize tears were building in her eyes until Scorpius stepped in front of her.

"Look away." he said firmly. "Look away. Now."

He grabbed her hand. "Hux, apparate us to the dorm."

His house elf appeared next to them just before the first sob left her throat. 

They were in his room, and Hux was gone.

She ripped off her scarf. "How could I be so stupid!"

"Rose, calm down."

"Of course he wouldn't look at me. I've never even kissed someone. Godric, he probably sees me as a sister." 

"So change that." Scorpius said, completely still when Rose rounded on him.

"Change what?"

"How he sees you." he repeated. "Change how he sees you. Become the girl he wants. I can tell you that he isn't dating anyone, Slytherins love to gossip, especially about quidditch players. Whoever that person was, it isn't someone he's serious about."

"And how am I supposed to do that?" I bit out. "I have no experience dating or even casual flirting. I can't become someone serious to him the way I am now otherwise it would be me he'd be kissing."

"The same way your prepare for anything else. Practice."

She knit her brows. "I'm sorry, Malfoy, but I don't exactly view the world as my sexual oyster for practice."

"Me." he took a step forward. "Practice with me."

She reared back. "No. No way in hell."

"Rose, this is your best and safest option. You and I live together, there's constant opportunity for us to practice. No risk for getting caught in the hallways."

"Oh and I bet you'd just love the ability to say that you didn't need a charm to get me to sleep with you."

He cocked a grin. "I wasn't going as far as sleeping with you, but I'm glad you're thinking ahead."

She glanced at him warily. "I don't know. . ."

He pressed further. "You know me, Rose. I won't hurt you. Plus, you know we have a connection. There's something between us."

She paused, seriously considering it. She wanted Lysander, more than anything she wanted in her life. She'd do anything to get him. 

"Fine." Rose agreed. "But this arrangement between us is purely lust. No romantic feelings. If one of us catches anything, we let the other know."

For a second, Rose thought she saw a pained look in his eyes before he blinked it away. 

"Yes. Of course."

"You better not fall for me, Scorpius Malfoy." she warned.

He shocked her by reaching forward to draw her into his arms, stealing kiss to her cheek. "Wouldn't dream of it."

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