Chapter 27: A Little Adventure

Start from the beginning

I guess Karin realized that I was nervous as she noticed my steadily widening eyes.

"You're gonna be fine" she consoled, "You'll get the hang of it after one or two runs" she said with conviction.

I breathed deeply, "I really hope so".

Together, we got off the ski lift though I stumbled a little and nearly ran myself into a building as I got off, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was thinking that I might be just flat out crushed by the stupid lift. That thing was a hazard. Only moments later, Sasuke's lift came rumbling up and he pushed off with his ski poles, coming to a graceful stop beside Karin and I.

The girl called out to him, "Um, s-see you a-around...I-I guess" she stuttered before skiing off to wait for her friends out of the danger zone of being knocked over by the ski lift.

"Good god" Sasuke sighed heavily, "That was torture".

I smirked, "You can only blame yourself for being such a flirtatious drop out" I sneered.

"Drop out? Excuse me, but I have the same if not higher average than you" he snickered.

I shrugged, "Well, you sure look like a drop out".

He raised his eyebrow and skied ahead of me to the edge of the hill, "You coming, scaredy cat?".

I pouted, "I'm not scared" I said indignantly but it was such a big fat lie...and we all knew it.

I crouched down to pretend to be adjusting my ski but Sasuke came and yanked my up by my collar, nearly choking me.

I swatted his hand away, coughing, "What the hell! I could've died!" I raged at him.

"Then let's go!" he urged me.

I gulped and inched my way to the edge of the slope. It sure was a long ways down.

"Stop gawking and go!" Sasuke urged, ready to take off after me.

"N-no! I can't! I can't! I don't wanna!" I burst out and struggled to get back to the ski lift, maybe I could get a ride down or something.

"Relax, Vira!" Sasuke grabbed me around the waist before I could get away.

I wasn't all that fast on skis anyways.

"It's just an easy hill" he said soothingly, "All you have to do is go down, as slow as you want" he said gently.

I was terrified. I didn't understand how I could ride roller coasters and have a blast but not be able to handle an easy hill when skiing. My life was messed up.

"Karin! Where's Karin?!" I demanded.

Sasuke chuckled, "She already left. We've been up here for ten minutes already. Stop stalling".

"What?! She left without me?" I cried bleakly.

"It's 'cause you're so slow" Sasuke teased.

"But now how am I gonna get down?" I whined, a frown on my lips.

"Ahem" Sasuke cleared his throat noisily.


"I'm a person, you know" he noted.


He sighed, "I'm great at skiing too" he added hopefully.


He face palmed, "I'm not exactly a stranger, Vira".

"Do I look like I care?" I asked him smugly.

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