Chapter 2 electrified

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When I woke up my hands and ankles were in a spread eagle position. But when I tried to break free it burned which sent the smell of burning flesh to my nostrils. Ever thing was still blurry but I had a feeling it was silver, I've always been allergic to silver ever since the day my family was killed.

"It's about time you woke up mutt." A deep voice chuckled out in the darkness, it was even harder to get a good look at him because my eyes were agitated which made me p*ssed .

I stared to panic as the man got closer to me."Who are?" The rage that was getting stronger was mostly fear, and it didn't help as I tried to move, causing more burning to my hands and ankles.

"Why that isn't how it normally goes, your suppose to say "let me go so I can tear out you throat."This is different indeed." The man said lowering his voice into a whisper.

"What do you want from me? I have no idea who you are!"At this point I just wanted to be able to see my captor.

He just kept on chuckling as I felt lighting bolts were be stabbed into my body when the man's voice stopped as did the shocking. "Oh but you will dear pet." He snarled.

"Tell me what pack do you come from?" Said the strange man that I still couldn't see what he was doing to me.

"I...I don't what your talking about." I said as best as I could for I was trying frantically to catch my breath.

"Don't lie to me". slap. " Answer my question now dog!" He was get angry I could smell it and hear it. Next thing I know was I was being electrified again.

My rage got even worse. Because I could hear the heartbeat of not one person but six people in the same room. I could almost taste the blood I could retract when I killed these  men, by the smell of it


"Kia watch out he's having trouble controlling himself." said a voice that middle age men have.


I look over at Jackson and looked at him funny because it's a sixteen year old boy. He must have control at this age, it's pack laws that I learned over the years while watching my uncle kill warewolfs.

So taking a look at the heart monitor it kept speeding up. "Sh*t!! run grab the guns and shoot him down!" I said in a frantic voice as I saw the boys brownish grey eyes turn completely black. This boy is not a pack member if he didn't have any control.

As he was transforming he was yelling, or more like growling made a blood curling shiver run down my spine as He broke from his position on the wall.

His coat was amazing so dark it looked like a shadow and than I realized I was the last own alive."How the did y... you do that?!" That was the last thing I said, before I figured out he's the devil's son.


I saw red nothing but red as I tore into five men in only a few seconds. The last man was the man who tortured me into this.

As I stalked around him to a better chance of the neck and stomach, he kept shooting at me. My wolf was laughing at him. When he ran out of bullets I made my move.

I lunged at his neck but move to fast. Only thing I harmed on him was is stomach. With my paws I shredded into him while he yelled in pain until 

he died.

When I was satisfied killing him with pain I devoured him until I was completely full.

Little by little my transformation took control of me throughout the night as I killed animal after animal all night. I came around a bend in the woods and found my self starring at a she wolf surrounded by six male wolves.

It made me angry looking at them trying to nip her legs as she tried to run. Smelling the air while slowly stalking near the hoping to join in the fun until I smelled something that even in human form I wouldn't be able to forget the smell of blood

getting better?...




Warrior out

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