Is that you?

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Italy put one of the bags on the ground and knocked the door. It was beautiful evening, middle of December and it just started snowing . It made Italy very happy because there was a promise of white Christmas. He couldn't wait to build snowman or go on the sled with Germany. Talking about the nation.... today morning Germany wrote that he won't e able to lead the training, so he just cancelled it. It worried Italy, so he went to Berlin to see his friend. But Germany didn't answer the phone. Italy left his suitcase in nearby hostel, in witch he reserved one night and after that he went out to the city. But while he was coming back, he passed by German brothers house and he just couldn't help it. It was already dark, about six in the evening, but light was falling out of the windows so someone had to be in there. After a long moment on the other side of the door Italy could hear weak footsteps and sound of opened lock.

- Wer ist?- weak German voice asked before the entrance opened.

- Ve~ Doitsu, why did you deleted training today? And you didn't answer phone too...- started Italy, but the doors opened. What Feliciano saw, almost nocked him out on knees. In entrance stood Germany, but his nose and cheeks were bright red and he had dark circles under eyes. His hair covered his forehead in mess and he had black blanket on his arms like a cape. Italy freaked out because of two things: first his best friend was ill and i could be serious. Second he noticed how much Germany reassembled him of Holy Rome.

- I'm sorry Italia, but I turned my telephone off, because I had a headache. I caught a cold- blonde said with his nose full and almost immediately turned his head to not cough on smaller nation.

- V-ve?! Why didn't you called me?! Is Prussia even here? Are you alone with a cold?!- Italy shouted, worried. He couldn't stand a thought that his friend is fighting with sickness alone.

- Nein, Prussia isn't home. He's on some sort of mission, he didn't tell me exactly what it is about- Germany sighed, moving to make space for Italy.- Will you come in?- but smaller nation only put bag inside the house and looked at ill blonde.

- Give me fifteen minutes, I'll just go grab my stuff from hostel and I'll be back- he said running of. He couldn't believe that Germany didn't phone him. He was lucky that the hostel was only five minutes of quick run from Germany's house.

- Guten Abend!- receptionist greeted Italy as he entered the hall.

- Hello!- cheered Feliciano, coming to the desk.- I left my luggage here this afternoon, I want to pick it up-

- Can I have your name?- man smiled at nation, grabbing a key to storage.

- Vargas- Italy answered. Man shook his head that he understand and opened storage and bring out only suitcase left. It was rather small, it had a place for clothes for maybe three days.

- Thank you. And I want to tell that I won't be coming back, I already paid for bed- Feliciano smiled at men, taking his stuff. Receptionist again only shook his head.

- Addio!- Italy said his goodbye and left the building in hurry. He was worried about Germany. He made his way down the street, hoping that his friend is fine. He couldn't disagree, he really cared about he other nation and didn't know what he would do if something happened to him like to Holy Rome. Finally he reached the door and knocked, before getting inside. Apparently Germany didn't even bother to lock them and judging by the mess in hall he had some trouble with walking. But the bags were gone.

- I'm back- Italy yelled, taking off shoes, coat and scarf. The only answer was cough coming from living room. When nation got there the sight only confirmed him that illness is serious. Almost whole room was covered with tissues, on table lied a plate with slightly touched wurst. Germany was on a couch, nervously napping under his black blanket. Italy checked forehead of his beloved and it was burning. He must have had a high fever. His restless sleep wasn't good too. It only worried Feliciano even more. Italian man quickly picked up all of the tissues and left a dust bin near the couch. He was sure that Germany will need it later along with new box of tissues. When he made his way up to the kitchen, he realised that a hot soup would be nice. Especially that wurst showed brown haired man that his friend didn't eat anything today neither had appetite. Italy opened fridge, successfully finding some chicken and vegetables. Luckily the rest of needed things was in his bags, on the table. When he prepared everything and set up pot with water and meat on a gas, he went to Germany's bedroom to see for some covers. Then again he heard cough. He rushed back to living room with extra blanket on his hands to see awake Germany struggle under cover.

Sickness Before The TruthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang