"Of course deary, call me if you need any help," He smiled politely before going back to dusting the shelves and humming a tune.

Hermione went up to the second floor where she knew the fables were. Hermione's favorite books, despite what others might think, were fictional stories. She did indeed love learning and educational books and all, but her true passion lay in the fantasy worlds. She loved being whisked away to magical places filled with new adventures.

"Any luck?" A voice asked causing her to jump.

Hermione whipped around and sighed in relief when her eyes fell upon the owner of the voice. "Jack," she breathed, "Merlin, you gave me a bit of a fright."

"Sorry," He grinned sheepishly coming up next to her and gently running his hand over the spines of the books. "I never knew just how much books could mean to a person until I met you."

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked.

"You're always reading. You get attached to the book and it's like you've been whisked into the pages for no one to find. Books are actually really great. They allow you to forget about your problems and just find yourself." He explained softly.

Hermione smiled softly, "They are great, aren't they?"

"Yeah. They really are," He smiled turning to look at her.

Jack held her gaze for a moment before shaking his head and turning away. It was true, he did love Hermione Granger with all of his heart. It didn't matter that her appearance had changed, she was still Hermione. But even though he loved her, Jack would never do or say anything about it. Just by looking at her, he knew she didn't love him. It hurt, but Jack just wanted her to be happy and if that meant Hermione had to be with someone else, well, then so be it.

"Can you hand me that book? The black one?" Hermione asked pointing to a book on the top shelf. Even with her growth spurt she still couldn't reach.

Jack reached up and plucked the book of the shelf and handed it to her. It was old. The edges of the cover were peeling off, the pages had dirt stains, and the entire book was covered in a thick layer of dust. Hermione took it from his hands and blew over the cover. The dust flew off into the air.

"The True History Of Magic," She breathed reading the cover, "By Rowena Ravenclaw. "

"Isn't that one if Hogwarts founders?" Jack asked recognizing the surname.

"It is, but I never knew she had a book," Hermione answered opening the pages.

"Its empty?" Jack asked looking over her shoulder.

"What do you mean? It says 'The True History Of Magic; By Rowena Ravenclaw. Be warned reader. There are few who shall be granted access to reading this book. It will tempt you and make you crave for power. Read with caution if you wish to survive." Hermione read.

"Hermione, maybe you shouldn't read that," Jack said. He was scared. To Jack, the pages amd cover were completely empty.

"No. I have too," Hermione said as though it was obvious. She felt drawn to the book. She had to read it.

"Mione, you shouldn't read that. Read with caution if you wish to survive? What kind of book can kill you?" Jack asked.

"I'll be fine, Jack. I've had worse," She rolled her eyes, "Come on. Let's go pay."

"Aren't you going to get any others?"

"No. I have a feeling this will take awhile to read," Hermione decided already halfway down the stairs.

Jack furrowed his eyebrows. He couldn't see it, but he didn't like this book at all. Reluctantly, he followed her down the stairs and found Ginny flirting shamelessly with an amused Hunter.

"Find what you need?" Ginny asked turning her attention away from the brunette boy.

"Yep," Hermione stated holding up the book briefly, "I can't wait to read it."

Alexander looked up when the four approached the counter. Hermione placed the book on the countertop. Alexander took one look at the book before taking a sharp intake of breath.

"You've been choosen," He shook his head, "Be careful, my dear. I had a daughter so long ago. She read this same book . . . and became insane. Many believe it was the work of death eaters, but no. The book turned her. She read it aloud to her husband, he went insane as well. Be careful."

"H-How much?" Hermione asked.

"No price can be placed upon something like this. Have a nice day," Alexander replied. He turned away and went back to his work.

"Okay then. Goodbye," Hermione shrugged.

Jack shared a quick look with Hunter and Ginny. A silent agreement passed through the three. They needed to get that book, whatever it was, and destroy it.

. . . . .

"See you Friday, Gin," Hermione smiled.

"Can't wait. Hogwarts here we come!" Ginny cheered, fist pumping the air, "I'll see you boys around," She added, winking towards Hunter before disapparating away.

"She really doesn't care that I'm her best friends brother, does she?" Hunter chuckled.

"I don't think she'll ever. Bye Jack!" Hermione called as the raven haired boy waved goodbye and made his way down the block to his house, "Just be careful."

"Why? Its Ginny," Hunter paused before adding, "Actually that's a very good point."

Hermione laughed and unlocked the door, "Don't hurt her too badly or you'll get a bat boogey hex. Those are the worst."

"Oh, I know," Hunter mumbled following her in.

"There you are! Oh, we've been so worried. It's nearly ten at night," Jean exclaimed when they walked in.

"Jean," Hermione smiled, ignoring the woman's visible flinch, "Sorry about that. We went to Diagon Alley and then walked around the park for a few hours."

"I-Its fine dear," Jean whispered back turning sharply and leaving.

"Easy on her. She's losing someone she loves," Hunter coaxed placing a hand on Hermione's shoulder.

"That's just it. She wouldn't be, had she told me. Just because she raised me, doesn't mean she can't break those years of trust in a single sentence," Hermione sighed, "Night Hunter," She added.

"G'night Mione," He replied watching her run up the stairs.

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