"It's not his fault... I was the one who ruined everything last night," Bonnie said, quietly.

"And just what do you mean by that?" Spring asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the side of a shelf.

"Do you really have to know?" Bonnie didn't intend to sound defensive, but he saw the way the taller man raised a challenging brow at him, almost as if threatening to beat the snot out of him if he decided to cop an attitude.

"Because I've never seen Foxy so upset. It's bumming us all out, so if you can straighten things out with him, that'd be fantastic..."

Bonnie stared down at the scuffed, leather shoes he was sporting and mulled the thought over in his head. Did he really want to tell Spring? What exactly would Spring do if he found out? Tell Foxy? Perhaps it would be better if someone else told Foxy the truth... or worse.

Gnawing on the inside of his cheek, Bonnie finally glanced up again and felt his face heating up with embarrassment. "I can't really tell you. It's kind of embarrassing."

In return, the man furrowed his brows at the florist. "What, did you two virgins finally tap sticks and not like it? I really don't care if it's embarrassing, just tell me so we can move on with our lives..."

Bonnie's blush burned brighter, and his hands began to sweat as a silly question drifted across his mind. Is Foxy really a virgin, too? He didn't exactly know why that made him so giddy, but it was sort of a nice, quaint relief knowing they had that in common. Assuming what Spring said was true.

"S-So you really want to know?" Bonnie inquired, biting his tongue after sounding absolutely unenthusiastic about confessing the events of the previous night to anyone.

Spring nodded. And Bonnie gritted his teeth.

In a hushed tone, Bonnie started, "Well... Just don't repeat this to anyone else, okay?"

The taller man muttered an "okay," and Bonnie inhaled deeply to brace himself for the inevitable humiliation he was about to face.

"So you already know that Foxy stayed over and that we both had too much to drink... And after that things kind of escalated between us, but I got so nervous it made me sick. Which is why I had to stop Foxy and ruin everything," the florist quietly summarized, lightly dragging his fingernails over the scabs on his arm.

Standing there with a confused look on his face, Spring knitted his brows together. "All of this because you felt lightheaded?"

"No, I had to throw up," Bonnie bluntly corrected him, shoulders slouching and tired red eyes looking up at his neighbor in what looked like shame.

"Ah," was all Spring could say as he rubbed the back of his neck in thought. It was hard to tell what he was thinking.

There were a few more seconds of awkward silence before Bonnie piped up again. "You're not going to tell him about this, are you?"

A disturbing smile stretched Spring's lips, and Bonnie was feeling uneasy once again.

"There's no way I won't tell him. He has a right to know," Spring insisted, seeming pleased with the shorter gentleman's frown. "If you don't mind, I'll be heading back to the parlor now."

"Spring, you better not tell him," Bonnie threatened, his voice reaching an octave higher since Spring was striding over to the door.

Spring only responded by saying, "Don't forget about your tattoo," and left the shop before anything more could be said.

The florist completely forgot about the tattoo. The tattoo he didn't necessarily want in the first place. But even worse than getting a tattoo, Bonnie panicked at the thought of Spring telling Foxy what happened. About how stupid he was for being so reckless.

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