Chapter Nine - Remember Today

Start from the beginning

"C'mon princess, quit complaining!" Tim joked.

So a few hours later, they finally reach the top and the view was gorgeous. A lot of trees spread out in their bright green color, from a far the ocean glistened and the sun was shining overhead and they all rested on the rocks and sat down to take in the view.

"It's been a while since I've seen skies like this." James said and drinks his blue Gatorade.

"Me too." Jack agreed and wipes his sweat with his face towel.

"We never get to spend time like this anymore." George said.

"We should do this more often, guys." Tim said. "Just once a month or something." He added.

"With our busy schedules, I don't think that's possible." Jack said.

"I've got meetings with the important people of our government and things like that, Jack probably has a movie to write or produce or something, and George probably has to attend the needs of the people and protect the welfare of his countrymen. Isn't that what the royals do? And Tim don't you have training everyday?" James said and wipes the sweat off of his face.

"That's accurate." George agreed. "But on the other hand, I do miss you guys a lot and we should try to at least make time for one another." He said.

"Yeah, we should at least try and make time for each other. What do you say, Jack? James?" Tim asked.

"Can we also bring our families at least once or twice?" James asked.

"Maybe for the Fourth Of July parties or a summer kick-off?" Tim suggested.

"Well that sounds like a plan! I'm willing to do it, if you guys are." Jack said enthusiastically. Everyone nods.

"Then it's settled, July 4 and to many more!" George yelled and raised his water jug and clanked it with the others water jugs. So they ate Tim's packed granola bars before heading back to the house.

As they arrive, they showered and changed and chilled in the living room watching some ESPN. After watching a little sports, they all repacked their stuff and put everything in their cars. Double checked the house and cooked some light lunch - salads, chicken sandwiches and beer. After eating, they talked some more and then go out the front yard.

James and Tim ride in the same car and put some of their stuff in the trunk while George and Jack put their stuff in Jack's car.

"Wished your town car came back." Jack said. "So I don't have to drive your ass back to your penthouse in the Upper East Side." Jack joked. George just laughed as he fixes the stuff in the back of the car.

"So I guess I'll see you guys on the Fourth of July?" Tim said. "And to many more!" James yelled. Then they all hug each other before they go inside their cars.

"Bye Jack, bye George!" James yelled and waved his hands. "So long George and Jack." Tim said as he sits on the front seat next to James and just like that, they were off.

George and Jack stood at the back of the car and looked at the house one last time.

"It's not like we're ever gonna see this house again, you know." George said. Jack nodded and laughed. They grab their beers and clanked it. "Cheers to many more, mate." George said. "Cheers." Jack replied. Then they drink their beer and they go inside Jack's car. Jack started it and then as he leaves the house, looking at the rear view mirror he smiled until it was finally gone.

On the way to New York, George and Jack talked about all kinds if things, including their love lives. "So have you called your wife, yet?" George asked. "Nah." Jack sighed. "Why not?" George asked.

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