Chapter Thirty Six--Battle Ready

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"I can sense the girl coming," Ares said. "Your opinion?"

Sitting cross-legged on the rocky ground, Kyros silently listened to the two men talking. In a few hours, maybe less, Erianthe would arrive at Altera. A strange mixture of relief and anxiety reeled in the boy's stomach.

"We'll take them out before they reach the bolt. Reyna and my sister can stay behind to guard," Hades replied. "I'll take the leader. You're useless against his Imperis anyway."

"So is your ax," Ares replied. "So is everyone's Imperis."

The heroes' leader apparently had a weapon that could disable the Imperis's abilities, besides the all-powerful bolt that sat uncompleted in the middle of the flat, stone circle of land.

Hades smirked. "Yes, but I am most familiar with his fighting style. You can take on the man with the silver sword."

Ares sighed. "And the girl."

"And the girl."

As the two men continued talking about their fight, Kyros glanced at Reyna and Pluto, who were working with the bolt. The weapon was nearly done, just as Hades predicted. So far, Kyros couldn't do anything to disrupt their progress. His only hope for stopping the Rogues was Erianthe.

As Ares readied his spear to face his friend, Kyros said one last thing before the battle started.

"Please don't kill her," Kyros murmured.

"I won't," Ares said. "But I won't hold back either. Too late to turn back now."

With that, the Rogues prepared to fight.

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