39: J a s o n' s A c c o m p l i c e

Start from the beginning

When the ROP agreed to this, Brooke and Daniel left the lab to go and get ready for the dinner that was at hand.

As the door closed behind them, Hayley settled her chin on her hands and sighed, "This had better work."

"It will!" Adalynn assured her. "I'm certain of it! Jason will be way too clueless to realise that his little sister is in on the plan so he won't be a problem. It's Judy I'm worried about."

"Poor Daniel," Jackie bit her lip. "Imagine finding out that your mother could be involved in something criminal."

Adalynn shuddered and shook her head. "No, please, let's not talk about that."

"How do we know that Daniel won't turn us in?" Leo demanded.

"Because Brooke is his girlfriend and one of the most precious things to him in this world," Hayley flailed her arms around dramatically. "He would not stand by and let anyone hurt Brooke, and that's exactly what Judy's done. You can be assured that he WON'T let her get away with that."

Adalynn nodded thoughtfully. "Hayley's right. Brooke is the only reason Daniel's helping us."

"I never thought I'd say this but thank God for Brooke," Jackie muttered under her breath.

Hayley chuckled. "Y-yeah."

A few minutes later, a sharp rap at the door caught their attention. Adalynn opened the door and admitted Daniel and Brooke, who dressed up in formal wear, into the lab.

"How do we know this is going to work?" Brooke played around with her fingers nervously. "Judy might see straight through this charade."

Jackie frowned. "I don't see how."

"Yeah, just say the 'We were meant to be' line a few times," Adalynn advised as she shut and locked the door. "That should suck her right in."

"Good idea," Daniel nodded.

"The 'We were meant to be' line?" Brooke glanced quizzically at him.

"Er ... t-that's what you kept saying to me when you were - uh - hypnotised," he shrugged.

"Oh," Brooke nodded her blonde head, indicating that she understood.

"Okay, so everyone knows the plan?" Leo questioned as he stepped forward and attached a mini mic on the underside of Brooke's collar.

"Um ... Leo? What are you doing? And where did you get that?" Hayley questioned sternly.

"I found it in amidst a jumble of Max's gadgets," Leo returned. "I've connected it to the server and attached it to my Louie. We'll be able to hear everything that's said during this dinner."

Adalynn nodded. "That's a good thought, Leo. We could use this to pick up on something that Judy or Jason might say throughout the night."

Daniel sighed, showing that he was pretty reluctant to use the mic. "Urgh, fine okay. We'll use it. Well, we'd better go, babe. We don't wanna be late."

The rest of the evening passed without too much drama. Hayley, Jackie, Adalynn and Leo listened in on the other end of the line as Brooke and Daniel worked their magic and secured the chess pieces.

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