21: M i c r o S i z e S p y w a r e

Start from the beginning

She needed to find Ethan.

It didn't take long for Adalynn to rejoin everyone in the lobby. The place was already crowded with flocks of people eager and ready to eat the scrumptious snacks laid over the white-clothed table. Max had already come down unnoticed. Adalynn could see him conversing with Emma in a far corner. She smiled. Emma and Max were so cute together. She could totally see them dating; if Max could actually muster up the courage to ask her out. Emma practically adored Max and shared his every interest, which was very coincidental.

"Where have you been, Stanton?" Leo inquired as Adalynn reached the food table and stood next to him.

"I - I had to go to the bathroom," she stuttered. "Why? What's up?"

Leo pressed his lips together and shook his head. "Jackie and Ethan don't seem very happy with you right now."

"What? Why? What did I do?" Adalynn exclaimed, her eyes wide with questioning innocence.

Leo sighed. "I - I just got back from seeing the Woods off. They weren't gonna stay but at least some of us had a chance to say goodbye."

Adalynn gasped and a hand flew to her mouth. "You're kidding! I - I completely missed them?"

Leo nodded sadly.

"Oh no!" Adalynn dropped her plate of food back onto the table and dashed outside through the front doors. She clattered down the outside steps and came to a halt, tears trembling in her eyes. She was just in time to see the Woods' car pull out of the parking lot. It was too late. She hadn't even had a chance to see them.

Adalynn's shoulders drooped and she bit her lip to stop a sob from bursting forth. She snatched out her Louie from her pocket and quickly typed a message to Hayley: I am so so sorry I didn't get to see you or say goodbye. I had to duck away to the bathroom and I completely missed you. I feel sooo bad!!! How can I make it up to you? Maybe we can go out for coffee or something later?

Adalynn shut her Louie and held her breath, waiting for a response. It came in a matter of minutes. HAYLEY: Hi Ad. Don't stress. Thanks but I don't think I'm up for that right now. I'll message you when I'm feeling better. xx

Adalynn groaned and hit her forehead in frustration.

"Having regret withdrawals already?" came Jackie's infuriated voice.

Surprised, Adalynn glanced over the stair railing to see Jackie, with Ethan trailing behind her, storming up the path towards the Academy. "Oh, uh, Jackie? Hi. I - I didn't mean ... You know I wouldn't have ..."

"Where's Max?" Jackie demanded, completely ignoring Adalynn's previous comment.

"I - uh - I dunno. Inside."

Jackie brushed past Adalynn as she stomped up the steps and through the front doors.

Adalynn gazed after her and shook her head. She turned to glance over at Ethan, who was slowly making his way up the stairs after Jackie.

Adalynn's eyes widened as she dropped her hand into her pocket. Her fingers encircled around the cam. This was her chance!

"Hey!! Ethan, please, can you stop for a sec?" she pleaded, moving directly into his path. Geez, I feel like an awkward, non-flirty version of Aspen.

Ethan sighed and glanced up at her. "You know Jackie has every right to be annoyed at you?"

Adalynn swallowed hard and nodded, descending down one step so she was standing closer to Ethan. "Yes. I - I'm sorry. I don't even know how these things happen, they just do. You have to understand."

"So, you needed the bathroom? And my brother?"

Adalynn gagged. "Geez no! Nothing like that!"

"Then which is it? What did you really need? The bathroom? Where did Max come into that? You know I'm gonna ask him what's going on, don't you?" Ethan's voice was calm, toned, sad.

"I - I know, I - I guess," Adalynn sputtered. "But - but ... ugh, fine! Max likes Emma, okay? Not - not me!" she blurted without thinking.

Ethan's brow began to darken. "Whose Emma?"

"She - she's part of the Ravens," Adalynn answered in a soft, low tone.

Ethan shook his head. "Now I really need to talk to him." He started up the stairs but as he was going past Adalynn, she grabbed his jacket and whispered, "Don't. Please."

Ethan shook her off and continued on upstairs.

Adalynn looked after him and smiled. Her job was complete.

The video camera was now attached to Ethan's leather jacket.


Gif: ETHAN!!! Thinking this suits his facial expression when facing Adalynn on the staircase, lol.

A/N: SUSPENSEFUL!!! What do you think Adalynn needs with the little camera? Why would she attach it to Ethan? Is there a good reason for her ditching the others at the dedication so she could secure this camera? Do you think Jackie has a right to be mad with her? Please voice your opinions in the comments below, I'd LOVE to hear from you all!!! Thanks so much for reading guys! Have an amazing day! xx

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