"I'd be lying if I said no," the florist admitted, now standing up again and grabbing all of the tools and materials he needed to clean. "Are you almost finished?"

"Yeah, just give me a moment. Go ahead and clean up your mess or whatever it is you need to do," Foxy answered, finishing up his own artwork.

Bonnie left the room with an utterance of an "okay" and leisurely made his way over to the bathroom to first wipe his utensils down with a square sheet of cloth that he's used several times before. Then, he proceeded to wash off the remaining residue from each utensil by using the bathroom sink, one by one, until they were ready to be dried with a washcloth. (And yes, this sink required plenty of plumbing assistance thanks to the clay.)

When Foxy had said that he wanted to do some artsy activities with the florist, Bonnie initially thought that his neighbor was going to make a joke out of it by being chaotic and by horsing around, yet here Foxy was. Taking his little wooden craft project seriously and putting quite a bit of tedious effort into it. They both started on their art pieces a couple of days ago, so now they were putting together the final touches. Only, the "Fox-e" sculpture was Bonnie's third sculpture made since they began, and Foxy's daffodil was still his first wood carving.

A warm smile crossed Bonnie's face at the thought of Foxy being so patient and meticulous. And the fact that this simple activity is how Foxy chose to spend their time together made Bonnie's smile broaden, stretching his lips until they began to burn.

In the midst of all his cheery thoughts, the strands of hair that fell around the side of his face as he looked down was suddenly moved to the side, and Bonnie immediately leaned away from the source of his hair's movement.

"What're you smiling for?" Foxy chuckled, coming behind Bonnie to place his hands on the shorter man's slender hips.

"Nothing. Just thinking," Bonnie insisted, allowing the man behind him to press their bodies together in a comforting embrace. It was warm and familiar, and both men engaged in such a hold on a daily basis when they were alone.

Gently nudging Bonnie's head to the side, Foxy buried his face into the crook of his boyfriend's neck, leaving soft wet kisses as he trailed up to Bonnir's ear. "And just what were you thinking about?"

Bonnie then craned his neck at particular angle just to press a kiss to Foxy's temple. Which at first, kissing Foxy was something the florist dreaded immensely and often avoided but that was before Foxy started to complain about never getting any attention from him. So, Bonnie cracked and finally became the one to take initiative every so often whenever he felt ballsy enough to make the first move.

Thinking up a response to the other man's question, Bonnie decided on telling him the truth. "You..."

"You were thinking of something naughty, I hope?" Foxy mumbled into the florist's ear, lightly grazing his teeth over the shell of while his hands slipped behind Bonnie's back to undo the filthy, clay-covered apron he was wearing.

But god, Foxy was uncouth and relentless with his intentions. He was just unbelievably crude and bold. Yet Bonnie somehow adored that aspect of him, not that he'd ever admit that to him. Instead, he would pretend that the scarred man's wandering hands and lewd mouth made him uncomfortable-- which they sometimes did-- but soon, Bonnie found himself soaking in these risque affections. Foxy surely had to be in the same boat, seeing as how he would wordlessly plead for more of Bonnie's rare acts of fondness.

With a dry laugh, Bonnie worked up a response for Foxy. "What naughty things could I possibly think about with you involved?"

Foxy huffed out a laugh and lifted his head away from Bonnie's neck, only to bring his hands up to pull the collar of the apron off of Bonnie and letting it fall into a heap on the floor. Now that the strip of cloth was out of the way, Foxy planted a kiss on the nape of the shorter man's neck.

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