" If you want to consider yourself a conceirge, I wouldn't stop you from doing so however you are right in thinking along that line. I am paying you for your services. Aren't I?! I am giving you a cheesecake which you asked for as fees. I would go to the extent of saying that I am tipping you very generously for your small service." I said smugly while walking towards him and smirked at him after reaching him. Ray got down from his Chachu's arms and came to my side. He clutched two of my fingerd in his hands and was looking at us with a beaming face. Ray nodded his head at me as if agreeing with what I said. I was very glad of his support to me.

" Well, I guess you are right. What I offered as service is very less compared to the cake you have prepared for me. Even though I have not tasted it, I will take Ray's word and go with it so I am sure the cake would be a wonderful treat to my taste buds. Sadly I don't have anything with me to compensate for such a magnanimous piece of art. Would you accept a simple thank you from me!?! Oh I know! Why don't I thank you just like Ray thanked you in the morning?!?" He whispered the the last two sentences so they were audible to only me. I blushed to the roots of my hair at his words. How shameless could this guy get?!? And why does he transform everything I say into an innuendo?! With few words he cunningly changed the situation in his favour.

" Chachu!! Chachu!! I know how you should thank Yaayaa." Ray chirped with bubbling excitement while I was terrified of  what his idea might be. Kai, the devil he was looked at me with mischief filled eyes and winked at me before asking Ray to go ahead.

" You can cover the fees of Yaayaa's cake by taking me to meet her every Sunday. How is this idea?". I was not sure if I should be relieved or should I be horrified with his suggestion. Meeting this devil's incarnate for the sake of spending time with Ray every Sunday ?!? Could things get anymore terrific and out of control!!! Before I could protest the Lord devil accepted Ray's suggestion.

" You are brilliant Ray. That would be a good way of compensating your Yaayaa for the efforts she put in for making a cake for me. That too using my two favorite ingredients cheese and chocolate. What do you say Ananya? Is that alright with you? Or would you like to go with my previous suggestion?" He asked me with hooded eyes. Those eyes which I avoided till then hit me with full force of his charm. I nodded yes entrapped in his magic.

" Great. Let's get going then. I guess it is getting late. It is already half past 8. " He said and looked at Ray with a smile adorning his lips. Woooooowwww. Not only his eyes but his smile was also enthralling. " It is not the time to get mesmerized by his smile or eyes Anya. He tricked you into accepting his nephew's innocent suggestion by making use of that not so harmledd charm only. That heartless trickster. And here you are getting dragged into his trap willingly. You need to show him who is the boss when it comes to you and your life. He should be put in his place and you need to make him understand that he cannot sway you everytime with his wicked paltry tricks." My subconsciousness scolded me first and then guided me as to how I could deal with that charmcaster.

" Yaayaa!! What happened? " Ray brought me out of my monologue. I nodded at him as if saying nothing happened and started walking towards the house turning away from Kai. As soon as I took a few steps, I heard a hiss from behind me. Thinking it was some snake I clutched Ray to me and turned towards Kai. He must have read the worry on my face and questioned me with his eyes full of concern by cocking an eyebrow.

" I heard a hiss. Did you hear it? " I asked him while looking all around us at the ground. He gave me a lopsided smile and answered me. " If you walk in front of me like that for some more time, it would be the least of your worries. You would hear more than a simple hiss. " I was taken aback by his words and then gasped remembering what happened in the morning and what his parting words were then. I didn't tie my hair in a plait but I gathered my loose hair with a clutch at my nape while playing with Ray. As soon as I reached my fingers to the clutch to check if it was in place holdingy hair, he hissed again. " Don't I beg you. Plait or not , one thing is clear that your hair entices me beyond limits. So for the sake of my sanity and your safety let's not test that theory now. This is not the place nor the time. Please do me a favour and try to walk beside me or behind me but not in front of me from now on. I request you not to test me in this regard Ananya, because the consequences will not be in my hand if you try me even after this explanation. I am a reasonably well disciplined man with a good control on my emotions and base desires but in your presence they tend to slip from my grasp. I am working on keeping them in check even in your presence also. But as I said before I am a man after all and I do have some weak moments. Your hair swinging to your walk leads to one such moments. Please heed me in this regard. " He gritted these words with a painful expression on his face. He shut his eyes tight and opened after few seconds. The eyes were clouded with passion and were brimming with affection and love. The emotions I found there ennerved me. My body took on the fight or flight mode as self preservation kicked in. I started stepping back while facing him with Ray clutched to my front as if he could protect me from his Chachu. Kai blinked his eyes few more times and they were clear of the haze of emotions I saw few moments before. He sighed as if relieved and gave me a smile that didn't entrap me like always but I still stopped in my tracks. That smile made me feel safe and secure. So my brain reaonsed to the safety by not running away from there. I was confused as to what happened then. It was surreal. This same guy who scared me out of my mind few seconds back, now cocooned my soul in his warmth as if protecting me from the outside world including himself. " May I?" He asked me but I was still stuck on what happened before and frowned at him. He smiled at me with eyes filled with relief and came near me. I didn't shy away from his proximity like always and neither was I bombarded with worry or fear about his intentions. It was like the core of my being recognized what was happening between us even though consciously I was still struggling to gather my scattered thoughts and haywired emotions.

Fated To Be Urs ( Formidable Billionaires - 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz