I meet a Vampire

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"I know what I saw Edward. I saw you push the truck off me. You saved me, but how?" Edward and I are sitting in the living room. I'm munching on a pb&j, Edward still hasn't touched his sandwich.

"How many times do I have to tell you, the car came to a stop all on its own, I just ran over to you to see if you were all right."

"Then explain the dent in the car hood." I say, crossing my arms.

"It was already there. The guy had an old car."

I shake my head furiously. "I know what I saw Edward. I still don't know how you did it, and why your trying to hide it."

"Your crazy."

"No I'm not." I raise my voice. "What are you hiding Edward? Do you have super human strength? Are you some sort of super hero?"

Edward let's out a snort. "I'm the farthest thing from a hero, Bella. I'm a monster. It's better if you don't know what I am."

"What you are? What does that even mean?"

"I should go." He gets up to leave.

"No Edward, wait-,"

"Good night Bella." He walks out of the house, I don't have enough energy to stop him.



"Another guest?" I groan.

"Why your quite popular today aren't you!" My dad chuckles as he gets the door. "Jacob! Glad to see you, come on in."

"Thanks Mr.Swan. I heard about Bella and came as fast as I could. Bella!" Jacob rushed towards me.

"Hey Jacob, thanks for checking in on me but I'm fine." I smile from the couch.

Jacob wrinkles his nose in disgust. "Gosh Bella, you reek!"

"What?" I sniff my armpits and hair but all I smell is the strawberry scented shampoo from last night.

"It smells like you went dumpster diving and then swam in a sewer shortly afterwards! You smell like...like them." Jacobs voice suddenly went quiet.


"Bella, was there someone in this room here before me, like another visitor? Tall, pale, I've been told that they are very attractive looking,"

"You you know Edward?"

Jacob let out a snarl. It sounded like it was coming from an animal. "I gotta go Bella."

"What? But you just got here!" I protest.

"Word of advice, stay away from the Cold Ones."

Jacob rushes out of the house. Strange sounds arise from the woods, almost like the howling of a wolf. When I look outside the front window I see nothing but what appears to be a shredded t-shirt laying in the middle of the street.


  That night I tossed and turned. Edward and Jacob's words kept spinning around in my head;

  "I'm a monster."

"Stay away from the cold ones."

What does it all mean? Finally I couldn't take it anymore. It was 4:30 am. I crawled over to my computer which sat on my oak desk in the corner. I pull up google and type in;

The Cold Ones

  A numerous amount of websites pop up. Most of them dealing with old tales of  creatures who feast upon human blood. Some commonalities amongst these creatures include:

Super human strength, extremely pale skin, extremely cold skin, and very handsome/beautiful features-unlike any other.

"Edward." His name escapes my mouth. No. It can't be. I back away slowly from the screen. Vampires, werewolves, witches and warlocks- it's all fiction! However the more I try to convince myself of this the more I begin to believe that it's true.

Edward is 100% a Vampire. And so are all his "siblings".

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