Forks Gets Some Vitamin D

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All weekend I tossed in turned in my bed. I kept wondering how Edward managed to climb into my second story window without a ladder. I also wondered why he wanted to watch me sleep.

Was he going to try to take advantage of me? I begin to feel sick to my stomach as more of these sickening thoughts began to fill my head.

"Bella!" My father shouts from downstairs.

"What!" I call back.

  "I'm going into work early today!Don't be late for school!" I hear the front door slam behind him.

I take a deep breath and let out a long sigh. Guess I better get out of bed then.


It was an unusually sunny day in Forks. For the first time since I set foot in this abysmal town, the sun actually felt hot against my skin.

Even though it was only 73 degrees out,one would've assumed it was in the 90s the way people were dressed.

I dreaded entering science class today. I did not want to see Edward today after last night. When I entered the classroom I let out a sigh of relief as I realized he wasn't there. Even though I was relieved I was also disappointed. I kind of wanted him to be there so I could ignore him or question him about how he got up to my window. Oh well.

As the day went on I begin to notice that things only got weirder. The lunch table by the wall that normally sat the pale teens was empty. None of them are here?

"Hey Jessica,"

"What's up Bella!" She smiles (fakely) at me.

"What happened to the Cullen's?"

"Oh, them! They usually skip school on sunny days. I would too if my parents would allow it. Days like this don't come around to often in Forks. Speaking of which, you wanna go shopping with me tomorrow after school? It's supposed to be nice again."

"Oh yeah, sure." I say, not paying any attention to what I jus agreed to.

"The Cullen's. What a weird bunch. They all date each other, but it's not incest cause they're all adopted."

I wrinkle my nose. "That's still a little gross. I mean, date the person you consider your sibling? That's kinda sick-and not the cool kind."

"Yeah well, to each there own I guess."



When I get home from school I don't even notice Mr.Black's car in the driveway. He comes over so often it might as well be one of our cars.

"Hey Bella! How was school?" My dad calls from the kitchen.

"Oh, it was fine." I sigh.

"That's good." He says, not really paying attention. As usual.

"Hey Bella." Jacob stands by the closet awkwardly.

"Oh uh-hey."

"How are you liking the truck?" He gestures to my car outside.

"Oh it's really cool!"

"It used to be my dads. We fixed up for you before you got here. Hopefully it works alright? Had a problem with the engine a while back,"

"Oh no it works just fine." I cut him off before he gets too in depth into car talk.

"I like cars. A lot." Jacob babbles on. "In fact I'm working on my own pair of wheels right now."

"Wow, so cool." I say sarcastically.

"I know right! It's a motorcycle. I found it abandoned on the side of the road outside the reservation. Dad said if I could fix it-I can keep it." Jacob says excitedly.


"Yeah! You ever been on one?"


"Well when I'm done fixing it up I'll give you a ride...that is uh-if your interested."

I shrug my shoulders. "Sure. Sounds like fun."

"Cool. I'll let you know when it's finished." Jacob flashes me a big smile.

He's totally into me.

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