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SCORPIUS DID HIS ABSOLUTE BEST not to press his face into Rose's neck, give her stolen kisses, hold her closer

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SCORPIUS DID HIS ABSOLUTE BEST not to press his face into Rose's neck, give her stolen kisses, hold her closer. But he was just a man. He had his limits. And Albus was playing with fire, placing her in his lap, testing the waters. He knew Rose wouldn't appreciate the creature hat lurked beneath the surface-so he did his best to behave.

"Hello, Rose." he said quietly, the beginnings of a smirk forming on his face. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

She jerked against his grasp, standing up abruptly. "Wipe that smug grin off your face, Malfoy."

The corners of his mouth dropped. "I don't remember you being this...brass."

The Gryffindor princess bristled. "I just want to sleep. Where is your dorm room?"

"Albus can take you. I have some things to finish up." Scorpius stood up.

His form towered over her. Scorpius couldn't help but think; was she always this small?

Albus slung an arm over Rose's shoulders, "C'mon, Ronnie. Let's take you to your new living quarters."

Rose never broke eye contact with Scorpius, even as they climbed the stairwells deeper into the dungeons.

A hand wrapped around his wrist, pulling him out of his stupor. "Scorp, you okay?"

Blinking away the searing image of Rose's fiery red hair from his eyelids, he looked down at Maryse Zabini.

Her curly dark brown hair was pulled up in a ponytail, hazel eyes so similar to Rose's but not quite.

"I'm fine, Maryse."

She pouted. "I thought you were over Rose Weasley."

He found himself clenching his fists tightly. Over her? End whatever was between them? Never.

Instead he smiled down at his housemate. "I am. I'm just making the best of this situation."

It was obvious she had her doubts about his words, but it wasn't his responsibility to make sure she understood. His and Rose's history went far back, a kind of need that ran through his bones and rattled him to the core.

And he cursed himself everyday for doing what he did to drive her away back in fifth year.

Instead of wasting a moment longer at the common room, he snatched up his robes and headed to the library to catch up on his Alchemy course.


The lumos of his wand began a slow dimming once the night dipped into its darkest hour. He had six classes tomorrow, two of which his time turner would take him to. He needed to get some much needed rest. But the thought of Rose in his dorm drove him up a wall both in pleasant and unpleasant ways.

He wished he could use the time turner to take him back to the moment that everything went to shit between him and Rose.

Scorpius closed his eyes, letting out a slow breath as he leaned back in his chair. He would have to figure out a way to control himself around Rose. The slip up today was a mistake. He'd have to ease her into him. Get her used to him.

A part of him yearned to stain her with him. Mark her as his. Completely. But the events of fifth year proved that he wasn't ready back then to handle Rose Weasley. And to be honest, he wasn't sure if he was ready now.

He headed down to the dungeons and whispered the password under his breath. Skirting past the dungeons, he took the only stairs that lead up- to the Head dorm.

Scorpius muttered the password low, "Venom."

The door swung open and he was greeted by the scent of cinnamon and dark chocolate. The smell of Rose filled him up, trapped in his sinuses. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

She wasn't in the living area, or opposite that near the kitchen. His best guess was that she'd grabbed the extra bedroom next to his.

Stripping his robes, he approached the door and rapped his knuckles gently- in case she was asleep.

He heard no answer.

However the urge to see her, even if she was asleep, was too great. Pulling out his wand, he gave a simple wave and flick- "Alohomora."

The door softly clicked open. Sucking in a short breath, he turned the doorknob and entered the room.

The sight made his heart clench painfully.

Rose was sprawled out on the bed, one leg tucked under the blanket, the rest of her body half off the bed. It was a sight to behold, one that wanted him to laugh and cry at the same time. When would the time come that she'd show him this expression of her own volition? Each day farther apart seemed to draw the memory of the two of them thin. Stretched until it became transparent. Until there was nothing but a ghost of what they had.

He stepped closer to her, noticing a loose curl dashing across her pale skin. Porcelain, like his.

When did her hair get so curly? He remembered sitting on the train with Albus his first year, Rose rejecting to sit with them and turning with a huff, straight red hair with only the slightest curl at the ends flying like fan as she chased down Lysander Scamander.

He remembered peeking out the train's cabin to feel a blossoming of something he didn't quite understand when he saw Lysander pull Rose into a hug so familiar, he felt like he was watching something private despite their public location.


The green eyed monster kept him company ever since then, and seemed to become his best friend next to Albus when Rose and himself split apart in fifth year.

He crouched down and tugged the curl away from her face so he could see the smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Faint, but still there, overpowered by her big blue eyes.

Without a second thought, he leaned down to press a gentle kiss on her lips, lingering with a promise of more to come.

As he retired to his room, Scorpius couldn't help be wish alohomora could work on Rose's heart.

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