Chapter 8: Switcheroo

Start from the beginning

"Who are you?" you questioned, feeling like you're being kidnapped.

The girl removed her cap and mask to reveal...


"You know me?"

"You're Mabel Gleeful."

"No, but I would be if I accepted that Gideon's proposal," she replied.

"Hi, I'm Mabel Pines, sorry about that whole thing," she laughed sheepishly.

"Can you tell me why must I dress like that again?"

"Why are you acting so weirdly?" Mabel retorted to the mysterious voice, "just come out."

The door to the closet swung open and Dipper stepped out. He was wearing an orange T-shirt and a blue vest with sweatpants. It was kinda weird seeing him like this.

"Why am I acting weird? You are the one that is acting weird, you're acting like Pacifica," he snapped. He scanned the room and caught sight of you.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"

"Bill said to find a girl that looks like this and is named (Y/N)," Mabel answered for you, taking out a picture of you and showing it to Dipper, "Don't you remember?"

"I don't remember any shit that you are talking about, did you drink again?" Dipper grunted, adjusting his vest to make it look like his usual baby blue jacket and failing to do so.

"What is going on?" you demanded, the pair turned towards you like they forgot that you were there.

They started talking at the same time, each trying to explain their situation louder and more furious than the other.

"Ok, SHUT UP MABEL!" Dipper finally yelled, "you're a Gleeful, jeez, be more mature."

"I'm not a Gleeful."

"Than what are you?"

"A Pines," she replied, looking at Dipper with a confused look. Dipper chuckled a little.

"Wait, you are telling me that Gideon finally accepted your proposal?" he laughed. If Mabel can look even more confused, she would, but all she could manage was already on her face.

Dipper must have noticed the silence because he stopped, "wait, you're serious?"

Mabel nodded, "Are you feeling okay? I think Bill might have brainwashed you..."

All you did was stand quietly, watching Mabel and Dipper. Mabel was acting like Pacifica, wearing a bright blue sweater and black skirt.

"Mabel?" you called softly.


"Where do you think this is?"

"Gravity Falls...isn't it?"

"You are out of your mind!"

"Me? Look at you! What are you even wearing?" Mabel Gleeful snapped at her "brother".

"I'm wearing what I always wear!"

"Gideon's clothes?"

"You are the one wearing Gideon's clothes. A female version of his clothes," Dipper raised his voice to match Mabel's.

"You must have hit your head against something...hard," Mabel commented, shaking her head, "come on, let's go back to the manor, maybe we can find something to help."

"We don't have a manor, Mabel. Have you gone back to the bubble again?" Dipper looked just as frustrated as Mabel.

"You know what? I'm done. I'm done with your sick jokes, Mason. If you are going to insist that we are like those two idiots, fine! I'm out of here!" said Mabel, she walked out of the room and slammed the door behind her, she didn't show it but she was just as confused as her "brother" whom she left in the room.

I'm honestly really really sorry that this took so long and I'm pretty sure it wasn't worth the wait. I had to rewrite this chapter countless numbers of times so it would not seem weird and sudden. Guess I failed miserably.

I promise that the next chapter would be longer, much more developed and more Dipper x Reader would come up.

Anyways, thank you so much for staying here even after so long and thank you for your votes.

If you have anything to say, comment down below. If you are a critiques about this book, feel free to comment it too. I promise I won't flip on you like some authors.

With that said, see you in a week or so with the next chapter!!!

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