Chapter 63: Merry Christmas

Start from the beginning

I giggled, "Sorry, but you hit my face."

He lunged forward, tackling me to the snowy ground. We rolled around hectically, grunting and groaning, even though we both knew Blade could easily have pinned me down without me ever being able to fight back.

"Okay wait!" I gasped, panting for breath. We rolled over so he was on all fours over me, his hair snowy and wet and completely dishevelled.

"Aww," he pouted, "Don't give up yet, I'm having fun."

"You might be having fun but I can't breathe," I gulped down air in such a way that I felt like a fish out of water.

"Do you need mouth to mouth? 'Cause I do believed I'm a pro at that," he smirked down at me.

"No," I panted, "Just get off me."

He sat up but didn't get off me, but it was better than nothing. "Shit you're really out of shape," he remarked.

"Blade? Bite me." I narrowed my eyes at him, "Not all of us can be this superhuman...thing."

"I'm a thing?" one eyebrow lifted as he looked down at me with complete amusement.

"Stop putting words in my mouth," I whined.

"There are lots of things I'd love to do with your mouth, and frankly putting words in it is not on the list. But it'd be highly inappropriate to do some of those things that I want out here. Then again, if you like it kinky..."

"Blade!" I hit his stomach, "Don't be such a guy."

"Hey, who said I was being perverted?" he caught my wrists in my hands to keep me from hitting him. He crossed my arms over my chest, bending down all the way so his nose was just a few inches from mine. "How do you know one of the things on my list isn't just to kiss you?"

"Prove it then," I challenged, getting comfortable under him.

His response was to close the distance, lips touching mine slowly but firmly. I wiggled under him, letting out a grunt, which was oh so lady like of me. He pulled away, frowning. I waved my hands pitifully from where they were pinned to my chest; the only part of my arms I could move.

"Can you unpin me? It's not entirely comfortable," I said sheepishly.

"Way to ruin the moment," he muttered, letting my hands go.

"Oh I do believe I can recreate that moment," I pulled him down, kissing him. At first he seemed determined to stay put out and sulky, but he was easy to persuade. One of my hands came down to rest on the snow, curling around a bit of snow as we kissed. And then I lifted my hand and smashed the snowball on the top of his head.

"Kiana!" he cried, pulling away sharply as he dusted himself off.

"We have to build a fort now. You promised," I said hastily.

"Fine," he stood before giving me a stern look. "But you're so going to pay for that one."

Hours later we both went back inside, and I felt like a Chihuahua since I was shaking so much. My hands and feet we're numb from the cold, my nose and ears were completely frozen and the rest of me was either wet or cold or both.

"H-h-h-oly-y c-c-ow," I stuttered as Blade helped me peel off all my wet stuff.

"I'd suggest a super hot shower, but I'd wait a little while. It would hurt a lot if you did it right away," he grimaced, pulling my sweater off since that had gotten wet as well. "But for now what I suggest would be to put on dry clothes. I'll make hot chocolate while you get dressed."

I nodded and ran up the stairs, shivering the whole way. It took a long time to get dressed since my fingers were barely functional, and seemed to get clumsier as time went on. But I finally was dressed and headed back downstairs. Blade was waiting in the living room with a hot chocolate for me and he sat me down on the couch. He grabbed the blanket and wrapped me up in it before he sat down next to me, an arm wrapped around me.

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