"Thank you for telling me," Indianna nodded. "May I ask, how comes you weren't a rogue? What's the different between a rogue and a lone wolf?"

"Rogues are wolves that leave the pack out of choice. They are wolves that no longer want to be in the hierarchy of a pack. Lone wolves don't have a choice. Lone wolves are rejects, people that are kicked out, forced to leave. You can leave out of choice and be a lone wolf, but only if you still have the intention of being in a pack. If you don't... then you're a rogue."

"Oh, I never knew that," Indianna said. "But then... how comes Jason is a rogue? My father kicked him out, he didn't have a choice."

"Lone wolves can turn rogue," Oscar sighed. "If they've given up hope for a new pack, if they've turned against the pack system... they become a rogue."

"So he gave up," Indianna murmured. "He had the chance to stay a lone wolf, to rejoin another pack, but he gave up."

"I don't think he knew what he was doing. He was so young that even though he was banished, even though he was a lone wolf, he was a rogue straight away. I think his hate for what happened to him turned him instantly. He was a rogue as soon as he left the pack."

Indianna sighed and rubbed her eyes. "Let's not talk about him," she said. "Thank you for telling me what happened to you, Oscar."

"No problem," Oscar smiled.

"I'm going to get some food, she's hungry," Indianna said and patted her stomach.

Oscar chuckled. "I'll be off then, see you, Indie."

Indianna waved to Oscar and slowly made her way to the kitchen where Kal, Kimberly, Ace, Harry and Brooke where, having food before school.

"Brooke, I thought you felt sick?" Indianna said as she poured herself some cereal.

"I was, and now I'm hungry," she said and spooned a mouthful of coco pops into her mouth. Brooke raised her eyebrows at Indianna. "And so are you."

Indianna looked down at her bowl of cereal that was nearly over flowing. "It's not me," she said and Brooke smiled, looking at Indianna's stomach.

"Good, you've not been eating properly recently," Brooke said. "You need everything you can get."

"Oh, so just because she's pregnant she doesn't get moaned at for eating all the cheerios? But when I do it it's like I've just sat on a baby?" Kal called.

"Kal," Kimberly said and rolled her eyes. "You try being pregnant and then you can moan."

"Sexism," Kal huffed and stared at his small portion of cheerios in his bowl.

"You're ridiculous, you know that?" Kimberly said and Indianna laughed.

"You should know that by now," Indianna said.

"I'm not ridiculous, I'm just very passionate about cheerio consumption," Kal defended himself.

"God, you're weird," Harry muttered and Brooke hit his shoulder.

"He's special and we love him," Brooke corrected.

"You're just miserable," Kal said to Harry. "And we don't love you, although maybe Brooke loves you a little bit, but that's all the love you get Mr Moody."

"I'm going to throw this at your head," Harry warned and grabbed the bowl that Brooke was holding.

"No!" Brooke whined and pulled her bowl back. "I'm hungry, go steal someone else's food."

"Your mate loves food more than you," Kal said smugly.

"Kal, now you're just winding him up," Ace said with a laugh as Brooke grabbed Harry's arm and held him back. "Stop it."

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