My Desire for You

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2 weeks later:
Morgan Sampson:
I pulled into the hospital parking lot and turned my car off. I prepared myself for whatever these people were bringing today.
"God Imma need you to be with me for real." I looked up at the sky as I was getting out.
"Let the BS begin." I mumbled throwing a fake smile on my face and greeted all of the doctors.
Lucas Mathews:
"Lissaaaaaaaa!!" I whined like a little kid to Lisa.
"What bruh? Don't you suppose to be constructing something?" She asked highly irritated now.
I smirked.
"I'm off today. I think the Lord told me to come here to see Morgan's beautiful face." I said throwing a baby toy at her but she caught.
"Eww. I don't wanna hear how you feel about my baby sister. Anyways, what you want?" She asked leaning on the front desk.
You see, Lisa was like a big sister to me, because we act just alike. I met her when I first started keeping Sam. When we first met, we immediately linked and already knew that we would have a brother sister relationship. I tell her everything and she tells me everything. But right now, I want her to tell me about Miss Morgan chocolate self.
"How come I never saw Morgan?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't know. Most of the time, Morgan's face would be buried in a book. Or her hand would be glued to a volleyball or basketball." Lisa said nonchalantly.
It was quiet for a moment until Lisa looked up and saw me staring at her.
"Oh no! I am not doing it. I'm not playing matchmaker today." She said raising her hands up and shaking them.
"I did nothing." I said putting my hands up in surrender, with a light chuckle.
The truth was that when I saw Morgan, I was in awe and my eyes would not leave her face or body. It was like my eyes couldn't leave her at all.
"Aye excuse me?" I heard her little boy say.
I chuckled and squatted down to his level.
"Wassup lil man?" I asked him.
Seem like I tickled him the way he started laughing.
"Why your hair look like the noodles I be having at my house?" He snickered trying to touch my hair.
"I don't know lil man. I just thought it was cool." I said smiling. He laughed again.
"Ohhhh. Well what's your name?" He asked.
"Uh..Lucas. What's yours?" I asked rubbing his curls.
"Miles. You can call me lil Miles tho." He smiled.
"Oh well Miles I like your name bud. But cmon it's time to go back to ya auntie Lisa." I said grabbing his hand, and bringing him to where Lisa was.
"Ight.. Lisa I'm bout to go get something to eat. Whatcha want?" I asked. She looked up from playing with the kids.
"Pizza." She replied and I nodded my head.
"Imma probably get it from the new place.... the pizza joint. I already tried it."
Now I was off to my car to go get us some pizza.
Morgan Sampson:
"Morgan!" I heard my name being yelled as I walking out of my office, since I was finally off work. I sighed.
"Yessir?" I replied back.
"Would you like to join me for lunch?" Doctor Robert asked me.
I mentally rolled my eyes. He asked me all the time do I want to go out with him.
No! No! No! Now leave me the heck alone!
Is what I really wanted to tell him.
"Uhh.. look you're a nice guy. But I don't want to go with you or anything. Besides I think it would be best if we just stayed on business level..." I said politely as I could.
He chuckled.
"Okay I'm sorry for pressuring you." He apologized.
I nodded my head and walked away to my car. I started my car and started driving. I didn't even know what I wanted. I looked over at all the food places and saw something new.
The Pizza Joint? Hmmm? Sounds good.
I pulled up into the parking lot and went to the door. As soon as I opened the door, my stomach immediately started growling. I walked over to the cashier.
"Umm.. this is my first time here and I was wondering which pizza should I try?" I asked the cashier.
Before I could speak, a familiar voice spoke up.
"You should try the sausage and banana peppers one.  They're really good." The familiar voice said.
I turned around and saw Lucas good-looking self.
"How do you know?" I asked.
He smirked.
"Obviously, I've tried it before."
"Uh. Duh but this place is new. At least I thought.."  I said smiling.
"Oh. I came the first day they opened." He smiled. I nodded.
"Well okay. Give me what he said." I said proudly.
"Okay your total is will be $7.84." The cashier said. I pulled my wallet out of my purse to give the cashier some money. I looked up to see Lucas already giving the cashier some money. I started to frown.
"Umm noo! Give him the money back. I can pay for my own." I said.
"Oh nah. Keep it, and put it in the register. And pay for mine too." Lucas said looking at me. I was about to say something else, but the cashier already put the money in the register. I looked where Lucas was standing but I saw him sitting down now in a booth. I kept walking and sat at another table. I sat down and pulled my phone out and decided to call my baby boy.
"Lisa Sampson Daycare. Kayla speaking?" The receptionist spoke into the phone.
"Hi Kayla girl. How my baby doing?" I asked.
"Girl nothing. Being cute and adorable." She said and I smiled.
"Well tell him mommy will be there in about an hour." I said and she gave me an ok before hanging up.
"Ma'am here's your food." The cashier sat my food down and thanked her.
I was eating my food and Lucas decides to sit in the booth with me.
"Is it good Morgzzz?" He asked smiling.
Noo.. don't sit in front of me.
I nodded my head.
"Hmm? It's alright." I said sipping on my water.
It was quiet for a moment, until he spoke up.
"Sooooo..." Lucas started and I rose my eyebrows.
"What do you do for a living?" He asked I bit my lip.
"Ummm.. I save lives, deliver lives, umm oh! Full time mommy." I said. "What do you do besides pay for people's meals?" I asked and he laughed scratching his head.
"You got me. You got me. But imma construction worker. So I make sure when people walk into a building they don't fall." He said.
"Oh that's a cool job for a cool dude. You know you could just do that instead of buying people's food." I smiled.
He smirked.
"Oh nawl. This my first time buying some food for somebody. I only buy food when I have a desire." He said, and my insides smiled.
"And what's the desire?" I asked because of curiosity.
"You." He replied nonchalantly, while eating his pizza.

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