Maybe An Addition To The Family

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1 week later: Morgan Sampson P. O. V. :
I paced back and forth in Lisa's office and waited for her to come back from her store. She was bringing me several pregnancy tests.

She said that she was bringing me them because this morning I kept throwing up and she got mad, so now she's going to get the tests. If I'm pregnant, I wouldn't know how to feel because I'm doing good. Lucas and I both have great jobs, but the only thing is that I don't have a ring on my finger. But I'm not rushing it!

Right now, Lucas was almost off from work, and I was coming back to get Miles and Sammie. But, Lisa thought it was a good idea to go get several tests.

"Ok. Ok. I'm back." She said with a bag full of tests.
"Lisa! I'm not taking all of them tests." I said.
"Yes you are." Lisa argued.
"Why?" I asked, and she looked at me.
"Until one of come back positive!" She yelled, and I laughed.
"Why you want me to be pregnant sis?" I asked, receiving a text from Lucas telling me that he would be here in an hour.
"Because I'm ready to be an auntie again." She whined. I laughed.
"Well hurry up because my babes will be here any minute now." I mumbled.
3 pregnancy tests later:
"I don't want to look!" I yelled.
"Well neither one of us will look." Lisa said.
"No I change my mind.. I want to see!" I said walking over to the pregnancy test. I looked at the pregnancy box and it said if it's a pinkish color then I'm pregnant, but if it's orangish color I'm not.
It's pink as heck.
"That looks orange to me." I mumbled, and she screamed.
"Omg—" she got cut off by Lucas, Logan, and Marcus coming in.
Both of us immediately ran to the trash can to throw away the ones we didn't use and the one we did use.
"Uh-Hey guys..what are you doing here so late— I mean early?" Lisa asked.
"You suck at lying. Lemme take the trash out." Logan offered.
"No, I got it." Lisa said.
"Girl let me take the trash out." He yelled.
"Who you yelling at like that lil one?" She fussed.
"You. Now give me the trash can." Logan insisted. Lisa sighed and gave him the trash can.
"Lisa!" I yelled.
"I'm sorry." She pouted.
The three looked in the trash can and saw all the pregnancy test. Lucas took his gloves off and grabbed one of them that we used, and looked at it.
"You pregnant?" Lucas asked, with excitement in his eyes.
"Maybe...there's a 5% chance I'm not." I said. Lisa smacked her lips.
"Oh really? The 95% percent is that you can be.. and you are." Lisa said excitedly.
" pregnant?" He asked again with the pregnancy test still in his hands, looking at me and then the test.
"Yes...I'm pregnant." I whispered.
A smile grew on his face and he came and picked me up.
"My baby is real stuff Morgan, don't be playing with me now." He said seriously.
I smiled.
"Why would I lie about this. Yes I'm pregnant, with your child. I'm about to be a momma again." I sighed.
Lisa screamed.
"Yessssss!" She yelled making everyone look at her crazily.
"What you so happy about?" MJ (Marcus) asked.
"I'm going to be an auntie again." She said happily.
I laughed.
"You're more happy than I am." I laughed.
"Yes, because I'm going to be able to be at this birth." She smiled.
I nodded my head in understanding.
"Ok...congratulations to you and myself. Because my girl pregnant too." Logan said patting his and Lucas's back too.
"What girl?" Lisa asked.
"Say lil girl. You stay outta this. Just know my girl preggo." He said assuringly.
"Well bring her to the reunion. Next month." Lisa said, making all of us snap our heads at her, well expect Lucas.
"We just had one dawg." MJ said.
"It doesn't matter...I only come for the food so it doesn't matter." I laughed.
"Me too...but you know grandpa gone ask one thousand and fifty questions about who talking to his baby." Logan fussed.
I laughed. My grandfather, father, and uncles were all crazy about me.
"Okay...well Lucas and I are about to.." I pointed to the door.
"Alright. Am I seeing you tomorrow?" Lisa asked.
I shook my head.
"Tomorrow is Friday Lisa. Are you ok?" I laughed, and she shook her head laughing.
"Ok well see you later baby sis." Lisa hugged me and so did the boys.
"Oh! When are you guys leaving?" I asked.
"We not. We staying in Lisa house." They both said at the same time.
"The heck y'all are... y'all ain't staying with me." Lisa said throwing her hands in the air.
I laughed and walked hand in hand with Lucas to get the kiddos.
We made it to the car and Lucas stared at me smiling.
"Babe! Stop!" I said.
"What he doing Miss Morgan?" Sammie asked me sitting up.
"Hey sit back mama...but he keeps staring at me." I said turning around to make sure she did as told.
"Ok...well stop staring daddy!" She yelled.
I smiled at the two.
Sammie had started calling Lucas daddy a couple of weeks ago, and I was happy because he was happy. He had told her that she could start calling me mommy too. She calls me that, but sometimes Miss Morgan comes out because she was so used to it. I don't have a problem with it. I'm happy with both of my kids.
Now I'm about to be the mother of three now. Lord help me.

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