Chapter 11: Nice Shoes

Start from the beginning

Zayn nodded sleepily. "What is it with you people and sleeping in?" Blake scoffed and Zayn seemed to notice her for the first time. He smiled at her before speaking.

"Sorry, love, but yesterday was a bit busy for us." He opened the door to his flat wider, allowing the blonde and his bandmate to enter.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever, now go get dressed. Quickly," Louis ordered.

"Why? What's up?" Zayn asked Louis but Blake answered.

"We're going on a date," she informed him matter-of-factly and he raised his eyebrows at her in surprise. "Apparently," she added, shooting a look at Louis to make it clear that the whole date thing wasn't her idea.

"We're going to see a movie!" Louis exclaimed happily, bouncing around excitedly and not noticing the looks the other two were giving him.

"We?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah. You, me, and Blake. Harry was gonna go too to make me less of a third wheel but he's still asleep."

"Lucky bastard," Zayn muttered to himself. Blake and Louis looked at him expectantly and he finally gave in. "Fine, I'll go get ready," he consented, trudging off to the bedroom. They waited a while and he still wasn't out so Louis went to see what was up. He found the dark haired boy sprawled out on his bed, fast asleep.

"Oi!" Louis called, gently nudging him with his foot. "You need to get up! You have to get ready for your date!"

"It's not a date if you're coming along," Zayn replied, rolling away from him.

"Says who?" Louis protested.

"Says me."

"Fine." Louis stayed silent for a moment, just looking at Zayn. "Zayn! Zayn-y! Bradford bad boy! Zain with an 'I'! Zayn with a 'y'! Zayn with a girlfriend! Zayn without a girlfriend!" Zayn still made no move to get out of bed. "Hey!" Louis yelled. "Blake is waiting! On second thought, maybe I'll just tell her about the time you-"

"I'm up!" Zayn announced. Louis smiled smugly as his bandmate rushed out of bed. He went back to Blake's side.

"He'll be out soon," he informed her and she nodded.

Soon, they were at the movie theater. Blake said a little prayer, hoping for no fangirls, but when someone shrieked excitedly behind them on their way in, she knew no one was listening. The three turned around to face the sound, a group of three girls coming into view. The two teenagers of the group squealed in excitement, running up to Zayn, Louis, and Blake. The toddler they seemed to be taking care of was dragged along.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" one of them, a curly haired brunette, kept repeating. "We love you so much!" Blake sighed, leaning back and watching with a mixture of annoyance and amusement.

The other teenager, a tall redhead, was more reserved, staying in the shadows. Blake immediately decided she liked this one more. She leaned down toward the little blonde girl for a moment. "Those are the boys who sing your song," she informed the child.

The girl's eyes lit up. "One Diwection?" she asked excitedly and the redhead nodded, pushing her up to Zayn. "Can we have a picture?" she asked quietly, looking at her feet.

"And an autograph!" the brunette piped up.

Zayn and Louis smiled. "Of course, love," Louis agreed for the both of them.

"We're gonna be late for the movie," Blake muttered at Zayn's side while still smiling for the sake of the fans.

"Relax, babe," Zayn commanded, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "We won't be." He hesitated for a moment before pecking her cheek quickly. Blake's eyes widened for a moment before she caught herself, maintaining the act.

He smiled at the fans, grabbing a pen and the paper the redhead offered. "Thanks," she whispered quietly, looking away and rubbing her hand up and down her arm.

"No problem, love," he replied, causing her to grin even wider. He got down on one knee so he was at the little blonde's level and took her own paper.

Louis was busy signing the brunette's book. "Nice shoes," he complimented as he finished writing, pointing at her feet with his pen. She smiled, displaying them for all to see. They were white but had been written all over with One Direction related phrases and nicknames. The redhead was wearing similar shoes. Guess they made them together.

"Thanks," the brunette beamed before taking the book from Louis and handing it to Zayn. "So, who's that?" she asked as he signed, indicating Blake, who was still standing awkwardly off to the side and waiting patiently. Zayn paused, not entirely sure how to answer. Had they started dating yet according to their cover?

The little girl tugged on Zayn's pant leg and he came back down to her level. "Is she your girlfriend?" the girl whispered when he didn't answer. "She's really pretty," she informed him quietly. Zayn opened and closed his mouth, panicking as he searched for an answer.

"That's Blake," Louis jumped in, saving his friend's butt. "She's a friend from the tour." The girls nodded in understanding and then smiled and waved at Blake, who returned the favor. Louis leaned in conspiratorially, lowering his voice so that Blake couldn't hear. "She is pretty though, isn't she?" He spoke to the little girl, who nodded as she played with the hem of her dress. He smiled at her. "You know, don't tell anyone this, but Zayn has a huge crush on her." The girl's eyes widened.

"Then he should tell her," she said matter-of-factly, still looking away from Louis.

"You think so?" Louis asked, hiding a smirk as a toddler gave Zayn the same advice he had been giving him. She nodded her head firmly and Louis laughed.

The brunette turned to Blake. "Mind taking a picture?" she asked, holding out her phone. Blake shook her head, smiling and grabbing the device. "Just that button right there," the girl indicated. The redhead picked up the toddler, moving into the shot. The boys posed with the fans as Blake took the picture.

"Everybody say cheese," she commanded and they obeyed, smiling wide.

The girls smiled at the boys, thanking them. The redhead turned to Blake, pulling out her phone. "Do you have twitter?" she asked. "I want to follow you." Blake shook her head apologetically, but Zayn stepped in.

"She doesn't but she will," he informed them, smiling at Blake as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. He turned to the girls. "If she gets one, I'll tweet about it." They nodded, smiling and thanking them some more before walking way. The little girl was singing "What Makes You Beautiful" as they did, causing the three to smile before heading to the theater.

So there it is! I love fans. Fans are chill, especially little fans. :) BButters and I actually have shoes that we wrote 1D-related stuff all over. If you want a picture, let me know and I'll post one next chapter. The picture on the side is Louis O.o Tell us how long it takes to look that gorgeous! Actually, those fangirls in general would kinda be like me and BButterfly. Haha. Vote/comment/fan if you like. I love hearing from you guys! _Rocket :) xx

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