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REMUS LUPIN POV (yep. I'm doing it this way. Youre welcome)

I was in my kitchen reading over some letters from Harry while sipping on a cup of tea I made a few moments ago. I opened one letter to find it said he was approaching his due date and needed help with his classes. I smiled at the letter before two arms made their way around my neck.

"Is that from our Pup?" Sirius asked as he buried his face in my neck. His breathing pattern and facial hair slightly tickling my neck in the process.

"Yes. He is approaching his due date soon. Maybe we should visit him today. Give him one last surprise before he has the babies." I looked up at Sirius who was smiling wide.

"That is a great idea, Rem. Come on, we have to hurry. I wamt to see my godson." He was so excited that I'm pretty sure if he was in his animagus form, he would be wagging his tail furiously.

"You know you can calm down right?" I chuckled at him as we gathered a few things and stepped into the floo. We threw the dust and arrived in the middle of Minerva's office who smiled when she saw us.

"Good to see you boys." She smiled.

"Really? I thought you threw a for anytime I was around Professor. Or dhould I say Headmistress?" Sirius smirkes in her direction.

"Minerva is fine Mr. Black. I suppose you two are here to see about Harry?" She asked while standing up.

"Yes. How is my Pup?" Sirius asked while taking a seat by the bookcase.

"He is doing well. Dont get too comfortable Mr. Black, because I am about to lead you towards his classroom."

"You tell me, after I sit down?"

"Well I have to have some fun too."

I chuckled as Sirius stood up with a pout and we followed Minerva to my old classroom. We opened the door and saw Harry was teaching some fourth year students about the unforgivable curses. A gryffindor girl asked him a question on them and he was all smiles as he answered her. We waited until his class ended and then walked inside while his back was turned.

"Well look at you. Still teaching even though youre about to pop," Sirius smirked as a startled Harry turned around with a smile.

"Sisrius! Remus!" He hugged the both of us quickly before sitting behind his desk. "What brings you two here? Did you recieve my letter?"

"Yes Pup, I did. And I'd be honored to teach in your absence."

He smiled up at me and I heard little footsteps behind me before a small brunette child ran over to Harry and gave him a hug. Then, Draco Malfoy came walking around us. He turned around and gave us a polite greeting while picking up the child.

"Sirius, Remus, this is Wally. Draco and I adopted him around a month ago. Wally, say hi."

"Hi. Who are you?" He asked with a smile.

"They are my godfathers, Squirt, Sirius and Remus. They are practically my dads." I saw Wally look around with a thinking face before he looked at us and smiled wide.

"Nice to meet you Grandpa Siri and Grandpa Rem!" I smiled and I saw Sirius laugh before he took the small boy from Draco carefully and hugged him.

"Nice to meet you too, Cub. You excited to be a big brother?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Wally! Where did you hear that?" Harry asked with wide eyes.

"Uncle Blaise and Uncle Ron."

"I'm gonna kill them." Draco sighed. "Wally, don't repeat that. Alright?"

"Yes Papa Draco."

Sisrius laughed and threw Wally in the air before catching the laughing boy and smiling at him.

"Whats say you and I have some fun soon, eh Wally?"


"Well maybe one day I can show you how I look as a dog. If you arent allergic."

"I love dogs!"

"Hey! Thats awesome!"

"You always were terribly loud," a smooth voice came from behind us all. We all looked over and Draco sighed slightly.

"Hello Father, hello Mother."

"Hello Dear." Narcissa smiled as they made their way towards the now forming group in the middle of the room.

"What brings the two of you here?" Draco asked as Wally ran over to him and was picked up once again.

"We came to bring Harry this," Narcissa smiled as she handed Harry a small box wrapped neatly in green paper and gold ribbon.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy," Harry said as he started putting tge ribbon.

"Please Dear, call us Narcissa and Lucius," Narcissa smiled. "Wethought to get the babies something special when Draco told us you were having twins."

"Yes, and we also got Wally something," Lucius said as he handed the small boy a present as well.

"Thank you Grandpa Lucy! Thank you Gradma Cissa!" The small boy smiled as he opened his own present.

Harry had recieved two necklaces for the twins when they were older that would act as protective charms for them as they grew older, and Wally recived the same thing, except he cpuld actually wear it now instead of waiting a few years.

"These are wonderfully, thank you both," Harry smiled as Draco helped Wally put his necklace on.

"Anytime Dear," Narcissa smiled. "So when are you due?"

There was a small moment of silence as Harry took a deep breath and closed his eyes,almost as if he were holding back a form of pain.

"Are you alright, Love?" Draco asked as he placed a hand on Harry's back.

"To answer your question Narcissa,it appears I'm due now."


Fogive me. As apology, I give you this:

 As apology, I give you this:

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Anywhore, Later!

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