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I was making breakfast for Blaise amd myself when Erol flew through the window. And landed on his face in front of Blaise, who was reading the Daily Prophet.

"Youre owl is here," he smirked while never taking his eyes off the paper.

"Oh ha ha. Very funny," I replied with sarcasm as I took the letter from my mother. Errol then flew off after I gave him a piece of bacon.

"Who's it from?"

"My mum."

"Oh boy. If its a howler like second year, let me get some earmuffs."

I sent him a smirk before the letter started to read itself.

"Ronald Weasley! Why did I hear from Ginny that you are married to a male?! I could care less about yhe Slytherin part right now but a male?! Who gave you tge authority to become one of those types of people! Consider yourself, officially disowned from the Weasley family until you decide to return to your senses.

-The Weasley Family"

I put a hand over my mouth before running to the bedroom and locking the door, tears streaming down my face. Blaise continued to knock on the door but I sat in front of it and wouldnt let him in. Right now, I just need to be alone.


I cant believe that family! Just because Ron and I are married means they disown him!?

After Ron ran to our room and locked himself in, I tried to open the door but it wouldnt budge.

"Ron, baby, open up," I tried from the outside.

"Just go on to classes Blaise. I'll be tyere in a moment. Just... go."

His voice was cracking from the other side of the door but I dont want him to be angry on top of sad, so I decided to comply to his wishes.

"Alright, but we are gonna talk soon." I hesitated before saying the only thing I thought would make him feel any better. "...I love you Ron."

I made sure the stove was turned off before grabbing my bag and leaving the room. I walked to the great hall and saw our group was sitting together at the Slytherin table.

"Hey Blaise. Where's Ron?" Harry greeted.

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